Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 United Wrestling Network President Dave Marquez announced that the UWN Primetime Live PPVs will be taking a break after tonight's PPV. 

Marquez, citing the pandemic and not knowing where things may go in California where UWN produces the live weekly broadcast show, noted that they suspend PPVs for the remainder of 2020.  He stated they would be taking a break over the holiday with plans to return in 2021. 

Marquez stated they want to give the viewers the best product possible and he doesn't want to keep changing lineups at the last minute as they have had to do numerous times due to COVID.  He thanked everyone who has supported the series over the last 12 weeks as well as all the different promotions who have assisted them as well as Thunder Studios, where the show is produced.  He said the time off would give them a chance to work on plans going forward.

The planned UWN title match between Mike Bennett and Chris Dickinson will still take place in 2021 with Marquez promising, "We'll be back."

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