Friday, June 4, 2021

Sami Callihan & Moose Have A Pretty Lame Main Event! | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


Every week I find it so so SSOO comical that people actually think,. Sami Callihan is supposed to be this "big convincing monster" when really? he isn't. It's the same thing with people trying to take Eddie Edwards seriously, and trust me, not many people take Edwards seriously either. Callihan looks like a guy trying to 'play' wrestler and his size isn't convincing at all, especially when paired in a match against Moose?

Yeah, no.

Yet THIS is the 'best' the 'crack creative team' at Impact can come up with for a main event. 

If this was a 'real' fight? Sami would be punked out by Moose, easily. And every fan in the world knows it. Instead, we have to suffer thru "Super Sami" yet again.

Here's an act of obvious stupidity. Sami moves out of the way of Moose charging at him, but he moves too soon and even though Moose sees this, he STILL, takes a step forward and catapults himself into the guard rail. (shakes head)  But Sami has to get that put the hand thru the guard rail then kick it spot in.

That "I got to get my shit in" logic once again that current wrestlers use as their mentality.

Moose hits the finisher and of course, what do we get? "Super Sami" kicks out at the very last second again (yawns)

Let me reiterate.. NOBODY, on God's green earth will ever be convinced that Sami Callihan can hang in any kind of 'fight' against a guy the size of Moose. The fact that Impact bookers booked this match this way shows that someone at Impact has a sense of humor. Trying to convince me of that with this match is actually comical.

Thankfully this clusterfuck ended with the Good Brothers doing a run in. 

That was the good part, the bad part? Kenny Omega came into the ring as well. 

I love the fact that the camera zoomed in on Omega talking at that camera, and you couldn't hear a word he said, LMAO!

Not hearing a word Omega said was probably the best thing Impact has done when it comes to omega, LOL!

So NOW, they want to tease a three way match with Omega vs Moose Vs Sami Callihan?

Yeah, that's JUST the 'blockbuster' match EEVVEERRYYOONNEE wants to see, NOT!

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