Friday, June 4, 2021

Satoshi Kojima's IN-RING DEBUT! (Whirls Finger And Says "Whoopie") | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


Why is he pointing around the arena? THERE'S NO FANS THERE, JACK ASS! Pointing at piped in fan noise, LMAO!

Are the heels gonna start yelling at the piped in fan noise to like they do when fans are there yelling at them? We're not that far off at this rate.

I knows they tried to hypwe this debut like it's an 'earth shattering' event. But the truth is, most fans? have no fucking idea who Satoshi Kojima is. he doesn't carry the 'name value' that a Masa Chono, Jushin Liger or Great Muta do. he may be a multiple time IWGP champion, but here in America? most fans are gonna go "eeehhh, so what" and shrug their shoulders.

Truth hurts, appreciate the fact I tell the truth :)

So since this supposed to some sort of 'super spectacular' the best they can do for a debut opponent is...... Wait for it... Wait for it.... Deaner?


Guess the "B" team member of Violent By Design is better than just about anyone else Impact has on the roster, eh? 

Kojima chopping Deaner like, fifty times in the corner looked pretty lame when he started the rapid fire chops. They actually looked phony as fuck. Guess not everyone has a convincing Wahoo McDaniel or Walter chop in them so this is the 'best' they can do.

Of course if this match happened in Japan, the chops probably would've been more stiffer as the style there demands it. But this is "Impact" so it is, what it is I guess.

Then of course he looks out at the nonexistent fans and yells, LOL!

Kojima wins with a clothesline? WWHHAATT? A clothesline is NOW a finishing maneuver? But when Jake something, or  who's way bigger than Kojima does it, anyone else in Impact does it isn't? 

Yep, there's that lack of logic Impact is known for. Maybe some day if Impact ever gets bookers who have ACTUAL booking experience on their on their payroll, logic might actually make a come back. 

Some day though, won't be today.

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