Friday, June 4, 2021

Dave Meltzer "Almost" Posted A Link Correctly (Close But No Cigar So I'll Once Again Do it For Him)


There's been a LONG pattern of Dave Meltzer not having the ability to post a link right on his Wrestling Observer web page. And I've got just about every fuck up he's done when it comes to that. And every time he sees one of these stories I do he quickly takes a few days off hoping the embarrassment of that goes away. He has someone else update the site for acouple days, EVERY TIME he gets caught not having the simple ability, to post a link correctly.

And in case any of you "Meltzer Marks" want to try and call bullshit? Here's some proof because, as I always say.. Proof IS, a mother fucker, and I'll always be the mother fucker who has proof. :)  

Here's this one.

Then there's this one..

Oh wait, there's more.. There's this one..

And yet another one..

Want some more proof that Dave's a fuck up when it comes to posting links, and why someone really should, do it for him?

Here you go, here's a few more for you. :) Glad I could help with the proof for you.

Oh look! Here's YET.. Another one.

So as you can see Meltzer has proven himself to be a complete idiot when it comes to posting links. And in ALL of these links? NOT ONCE did he actually go back and have it corrected. Nor did he ever admit he made a mistake in posting the wrong link.

I guess in Meltzer's world correcting himself on his own mistakes is something that's "beneath him". 

Oh Wait, there's this one as well. Can't forget this one you know. :)

Now before I show you the latest screw up by Meltzer. I know one of you "Meltzer Marks" are gonna say "Why don't you show this to Meltzer yourself if you're so brave"? 

Well? I HAVE, and like he does to everyone else that punks him  or makes him look like as dipshit, he ran from me and hid behind a block. Because facts and truth put him in his place, where he belongs.. And, it didn't take very long for me to do it either, as you're gonna see. Anyone who has to run and hide behind a block after getting chumped in public is pretty much, a little bitch. Meltzer proved he is indeed that. 

One little statement in response to what he said to me and, WHAT did he do exactly 90 seconds after I checked him with my reply?

This. Proving he knew he got owned and 'checked'. 

So after all that, do you thiunk he'd FINALLY be able to post a link correctly?

You know the answer, the answer is... No. 

On his "daily update" for today he posted this about a story on Konnan.

BUT, what happens when you click on the link Meltzer put up?


He almost got it right. Almost, LMAO!

THIS, is what it should've brought you to

So since Dave Meltzer continues to be a total fuck up when it comes to posting links correctly, it'll have to be up to me once again, to do what he just can't do, no matter what. So here's the correct link to the story. 

Make sure you tell Meltzer I helped him out yet again, also say I said "You're welcome, dumb ass"

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