Friday, June 4, 2021

TABLES MATCH Goes Off The Rails! (No, It Really Doesn't) | IMPACT! June 3, 2021


So now we're back to having no fans OR Impact employees for this match between Jake Something and Rohit Raju. 

The least they could do is TRY, and stay consistent. Either have the employees out there for the whole show like AEW was doing, or stick to the piped in fan noise.

I guess as usual, details don't mean anything in Impact Wrestling. And it shows, week in? And week out.

Love how Raju just out and out "no sells" Jake's clothesline. Then follows up by "No selling" what looked like Raju blatantly running into a thrust to the throat by Jake. 

Yep, these current guys sure have been trained well in the art of 'no selling', that's for sure.

A guy as big as Jake clobbers anyone the size of Rohit? Guess what, they're gonna be staying the fuck down, NOT popping right back up. (rolls eyes) Why is it this current era of wrestlers have to try and be "Super Cena"? It doesn't work and looks pretty fucking stupid every time they do it. 

I guess the 'agent' who helped put this match together decided "selling' wasn't gonna be much of an option either, eh? 

OH SHIT, Raju FINALLY 'sold' a move! Only after no selling the obvious ones that he finally 'sell' a clothesline by Jake. Hey, better late than never, huh. 

Anyone remember when a clothesline was a finishing move in matches? I do. 

Now it's just a willy nilly move because "We got to get all our shit in, no matter what" is the mentality and logic of wrestlers now.

Well that didn't last long because he failed the 'selling' test again when he got speared in the corner. I wondered how long he was gonna sell consistently and the answer I got is? Not long at all, LOL. 

Jake sold a chair shot to the back by Rohit followed by his arm getting jammed by the chair way better than Raju has sold most of this match. Let that sink in about how sad that fact really is.

And I'm only a minute and twenty seven seconds into this almost six minute highlight clip.. Boy do we have a long way to go.

So Raju yells "I'LL BREAK HIS ARM" while having Jake in a cross face aaahahahahahahahahahahha!He's pulling up more on Jake's neck and head more than the arm and he yells that.

Maybe if he actually did the hold CORRECTLY, yelling that would've made more sense. Funny how so many of today's wrestlers use that hold but yet it's not san effective submission hold anymore. Just another willy nilly transitional move now. Yet no agent in any of the major companies seem to want to notice this, HHMMM. Even though there aren't any submissions ion this particular match. The general observation of it not being a submissive hold still stands. 

And Jake should actually take some time to show the other wrestlers on the Impact Roster what 'selling' is. He and Tasha Steele do it better than anyone else working in Impact. Why don't bookers like Tommy Dreamer say something? No balls? Funny how I ask this every week and there never seems to be an answer, HHMMM.

I'm still waiting for this tables match to "go off the rails". I've been waiting quite awhile now and this has been more chairs, than tables. 

30 seconds after I wrote that last sentence? Jake spears Raju thru a table for the win.

As for the match going "off the rails"? False advertising again in the part of the moron who uploads these clips to YouTube. Then again, why am I not surprised.

Here's the link to the clip. Yawner at best.

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