Friday, June 4, 2021

Josh Alexander & TJP Go 60 MINUTES In A Match That Goes WWAAYY Too Long | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


I watched the clip that started this match on BTI and this went WWAAYY too long. As I watched this I kept asking myself, "Have these two EVER learned what 'proper selling' really is"? 

If they did they for some reason haven't used it since they were taught it. OR, they just have no clue, what 'proper selling' really is.

You choose which one it is. 

TJP of course did his usual flip flop, acrobatic bullshit that doesn't look anywhere convincing. Only idiot fans of today who have no clue what good pro wrestling is like this kind of 'gymnastic wrestling'. And Josh Alexander doing this bargain basement wannabe Kurt Angle gimmick doesn't jive with me, and actually has me wishing Kurt Angle would come out and "Angle Slam' Alexander and then tell him that imitation ISN'T, the best form of flattery here.

So you have these two, flipping and bouncing around like a pinball in a pinball machine and me asking over and over "Is this crap ever gonna end"? 

Not, for a very LONG TIME unfortunately.

Note to both TJP and Josh Alexander. If you two ever do learn how to 'sell' properly, your matches would actually, be better. Just saying.

But of course, they? Learn how to 'SELL'? You'll have better chances finding the body of Jimmy Hoffa before they realize that 'selling' can actually benefit them.

I saw a recent match between Shane Douglas and an indy guy named Façade that took place in a small indy group called ACW that was 10 times better than THIS shit. No 2 dozen flip flop moves in two minutes, REAL 'selling' of moves throughout the match, things that most wrestlers today should take notes from. But as usual, they won't because if you ask them, they'll tell you that THEY, know better, when they really don't. And this match is a great example that they don't.

And the 'marks' can't use the predictable argument of "It got over with the fans", because.... THERE WAS NO FANS THERE! Just Impact Employees as They're now copying what AEW was doing"! LOL! So they have no excuses to hide behind why this was such a horrible outing that was given way more time than it really deserved.

Here's the links if you really wanna be bored. 

Where it starts..

Where it finally ends..

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