Friday, June 4, 2021

W. Morrissey MUGS Rich Swann! (Someone Needs No Create Better Titles For These Clips) | IMPACT! Highlights June 3, 2021


So.. Swann comes down the isle to piped in fans, (Where did all the 'fans' from the TJP/ Alexander match go? Must've been lunch time or something, eh?) Swan keeps dancing to the camera and then W. Morrissey nails Swann from Behind and whips him into a chair by a guard rail. So after that and being rolled into the ring by Morrissey, what does Swann do?

Swann decides it's "Super Cena" time and fights back like he wasn't hurt at all. 

Gotta love how this smaller guys can suddenly "Hulk Up" so to speak, and think they're seven feet tall and bullet proof when they're clearly out sized. (shakes head) Thankfully it didn't last very long because even a casual fan would realize Swann is unconvincing and should've stuck with 'selling' for a few minutes longer. Or just let it be a total beat down and 'sell' everything. THAT would've made for a better angle and further a story for why Swann to get sympathy from fans watching. BUT, you know the logic of today's wrestlers. "I got to get my shit in, no matter what". 

I love how Josh Matthews asks as security came in to stop Morrssey "Have you ever seen anything like this before".

Yeah Josh, we have. Too many times in too many other promotions, moron.

Thankfully this was short.

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