Monday, May 24, 2021

Dick the Bruiser vs Paul Christy (Either March 3, or July 14, 1979)


George Cannon's Superstars of Wrestling received a major shot in the arm, marquee-wise, when Dick the Bruiser graced the promotion in the spring of 1981. Despite being in the twilight of his career, Dick the Bruiser could still guarantee a strong house and action, as evidence by his work for the St. Louis territory in the same timeframe. To hype the Bruiser's arrival, Cannon aired this bout from Dick's WWA territory between the Bruiser and familiar foe Paul Christy (accompanied here by valet/future wife Miss Bunny Love). This match most likely occurred sometime in 1979 in Indianapolis, IN (Any help on the exact date and/or venue would be appreciated) and was reaired on Superstars sometime in April 1981. The action is joined in progress with the team of George "Crybaby" Cannon, Milt Avruskin, and heel manager Dr. Jerry Graham Jr (then managing the Mad Iranian, better known as The Iron Sheik) providing commentary from the studio.

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