Monday, May 24, 2021

Kenny Omega Seems To Have Taken A Shot At Jim Ross And Jim Cornette

In response to Jericho calling him “the best wrestler in the world today,” Omega seemingly took a shot at Jim Cornette, WWE fans, and AEW announcer Jim Ross.

During a recent episode of Grilling JR, Ross called Randy Orton the best wrestler in the world: “I don’t think anybody is any better than Randy Orton in the wrestling business.”

JR added, “I’m sure there’s Kenny Omega fans out there that would say Omega is the best wrestler in the world. Some will, and they got the right to their opinion and I’m not going to argue it. Omega is really frickin’ good. In any event, it’s a good time to be a fan. A lot of great talent out there, improving their game, adapting and adding things.”

So while Ross complemented Omega, ol Kenny thought making a snide remark at a guy who works in the same company he does, was a good idea.

Which shows that next time Kenny Omega 'thinks' he has a good idea? He should keep it to himself. Thinking and Kenny Omega obviously don't go hand in hand very well. 

Of course Omega won't have the balls to say anything like that to Jim Ross's face. He doesn't have them kind of balls. Most keyboard warriors and internet Rambo's, usually don't.  

As for Jericho claiming "It's impossible to argue"? I'd love to challenge Jericho to that argument. But of course he won't do it because he knows what people would say when he'd get his ass handed to him by me, with no effort needed whatsoever. There's plenty of argument here for that and Jericho would lose, easily if he even tried that with me. Because the list of wrestlers that ARE, better than Omega? Is quite long.. The last thing Jericho wants is for me to start naming them. So I know he'll do the wise thing, and just stay silent. 

And of course he's "Most Protected". God forbid you'd actually want to elevate someone else and create a new star in your promotion. NNAA, why do that? That would make "way too Much Sense". So Omega, as one of the EVP's at AEW is gonna do everything he can to 'protect himself'. Gee, how many times have we've seen THAT before, eh?


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