Saturday, May 22, 2021

Can "Marks" Be Any More Stupid? Well, Yes They Can Be.. Have A Look


I really don't have to state what started this which in the end agsain shows, that "marks" are dumb as fucking hell.

Especially when they try and walk back something they said, that you can SEE they said by looking five replies up. Maybe his selective amnesia had kicked in and he chose to forget what made him put his own foot in his mouth to begin with. 

But this is the usual typical yet predictable things "Marks" do, every time they get busted and proven wrong. So this should come as no surprise. Look at how easy I put this guy in his place. No effort at all as he was indeed, 'checked'.

I keep saying that some day, the "Marks" will stop doing all the usual and typical responses and actually become a challenge when they try and brace me.

Someday, obviously isn't going to be today. 

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