Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mike Johnson's (PWInsider) Attempts At Scamming Paid Subscribers Fails Again (He Really IS This Stupid)


You have to hand it to Mike Johnson over at PWInsider, when he sees facts that his long standing scam on his "Elite Subscribers" isn't working, instead of at least TRYING to change tactics? He just doubles down and keeps trying the same scam, and keeps getting busted for trying to use the same scam.

Clearly Mike Johnson must enjoy being the living breathing definition of insanity. He keeps insisting on trying this same scam, hoping and praying for a different result.

Instead? he gets this SAME result, busted out in pubic, because he obviously refuses to the footwork or research to see if his ahem.. "Exclusive" is really 'exclusive' or not. The real sad part about this is, his so called "exclusive'? was shown on two other sites.... YESTERDAY! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Yeah Mikey, "real fucking exclusive" you got there, dumb ass (shakes head).

So here's Mike's latest failure with his long running attempted scam.

If you see this you would 'think' "oohh hey look, Mike has an exclusive with Tony Khan's media call.'. BUT....That media call didn't happen today, it happened YESTERDAY! That's right, Mikey's so called 'exclusive' he posted today, actually happened, yesterday.

Since proof is, a mother fucker and I've always been the mother fucker who has proof, here's proof.

YYEEAAH, not really the 'exclusive' Mike Johnson had hoped it would be, especially when Josh Nason even put a link to where, ANYONE could listen to the media call. 

If that isn't bad enough, go over to YouTube and put in Tony Khan Wrestledream Media Call into their search mode and, uuhh oohh, uuuhhh oohhh, UUUHHHH OOOOOHHHHHHH. Look at this.

Yet ANOTHER site had the SAME media call that Mikeypoo claimed was an "exclusive".

Look up the word dumb ass and you'll see Mike Johnson's picture.

So Mike, PPPLLEEAASSEE explain HHOOWW, you can claim something that happened YESTERDAY, is 'somehow' an 'exclusive' TODAY, especially when you can go YouTube and listen to that same allegedly 'exclusive' content for free there? 

Please, by all means, explain this mentality of a moron theory you have going here. I'd love to hear the goofball logic you have behind this thinking. 

This has been a long standing thing with Johnson, he can't seem to conceive the concept that this scam of his, just isn't working for him. How many times does he have to be busted doing this before he can admit that he might just have to go scamming school and take some lessons on how to properly scam people correctly?

Here's a few examples of where Mike tried this, and kept getting caught at it.

Back in May, he tried it with this..

In April he got caught trying this.

December he got exposed for this.

November? Oh yeah there was this.

How far back do you want me to go? Just type in his name on our search mode here and you'll see for yourself. A man who insists on doubling down on trying to scam, HIS OWN PAID SUBSCRIBERS even though he keeps getting caught, over and over, and.... Over again.

What's even sadder? Is people actually PAY PWInsider so they can be scammed by Mike, they willingly pay for the privilege. . That's what you get when you use their paywall, you pay to get scammed.

No paywalls here at WP&P and no 'exclusives' that can be seen elsewhere. We don't do that because Wrestling Past And Present has proven with actions, that we're better than that. We don't HAVE to stoop that low like PWInsider has to.

Some day Mike Johnson will come to the realization that he's an amateur at trying to scam people, that this scam has been failing for over a year. Someday he may, smarten up and actually get a clue.

Some day, obviously... Won't be today. 


Richard McCormick said...

Wasn't Johnson or PWInsider reported to the Better Business Bureau over this?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Yes they were, twice. Look for it in our search mode since we covered it.

Corey Schimdt said...

Here's a good reason to report them again, agree?

Johnny Henderson said...

How many times is he going to do this? if the last four times getting caught didn't show him it's not working, how more will it take? He's like Trump, even though something is incorrect or wrong, instead of changing it he doubles down and keeps on doing it. That's not insanity, it's stupidity.

Corey Schimdt said...

He doesn't even deny any wrongdoing on this. He won't even comment on this either way. His silence is a signal of guilt if he won't even talk about this.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

LMAO! I can't argue that because he's doing exactly what Trump does.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Of course not, why in the world would he want to do 'that' for? (smiles) They slam Meltzer on his credibility but yet ignore when they get caught scamming. a 'very special' kind of mentality over at PWInsider, 'very special' indeed.