Thursday, May 23, 2024

Mike Johnson Tries His Scam Again? And Fails Again (if It Can Be Found On YouTube - It's Not "Exclusive" - Dumbass)


This just gets way too easy, Mike Johnson has become as predictable as a rerun when it comes to this scam. Even though, he gets caught over and over and over again, and is the walking breathing definition of insanity (keeps doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for different results), here he is getting caught with this trying to claim something is 'exclusive' when it can easily be found on YouTube.

But yet remember.. Mike Johnson is supposedly regarded as a 'highly respected' journalist. 

Journalists don't continue to attempt the same scam over and over after being both caught over and over, as well as getting reported to the Better Business Bureau about it. 

He was caught doing this same thing, LAST MONTH.

You would think he would've learned by now, or at least went to scamming school to try and learn a new scam since this one has been a consistent failure for him. Even being reported to the Better Business Bureau twice hasn't burned the message in his head that hey, stupid, people can see you're not offering anything 'exclusive' if people can see it for free somewhere else.  

But since Mike Johnson has shown he's incapable of smartening up, let's go ahead and show how this claim of 'exclusive' is nothing but Mike Johnson, being full of shit, again.

Here's the screen grab you saw at the beginning of this.

Now let's see just how 'exclusive' it isn't, shall we? (smiles)

Yeah, it SSSUURRREEEE DOES LOOK 'exclusive', there Mikey. It sure does (rolls eyes).

Someone dumb it down for Mike Johnson, to a level he can actually comprehend, because obviously this site busting him publicly hasn't given him a clue. Maybe someone who can bring it down to Mike's level of understanding can do it, and tell him that this doesn't make PWInsider look good.

I keep sayin some day Mike will get a clue and try a new scam, that some day he'll stop being this dumb.

Some day, obviously won't be today. 


Jason McCormick said...

Face it, Johnson has rocks in his head. He's like Tony Khan and doesn't want to see how bad this is. Send this Mike and I bet he claims 'everything's great, our Alexa ratings are great, the subscriber numbers are great, everything's great."

Sandra Oakley said...

Mike Johnson doesn't care, he doesn't care how many times this story comes out because he's too stubborn to stop doing this. If he really cared about integrity of his own reputation and PWInsider's credibility he would've stopped a long time ago. He doesn't care or he's doing what Dave Scherer tells him to do since Scherer is his boss.