Thursday, April 4, 2024

Mike Johnson's New Verbiage On His Old Scam Still Fails


Update 4-6-24

Apparently several people have tried to contact Mike regarding this story and as usual, or per usual, he doesn't want to comment on this. He doesn't even try, and deny it.

Then again, he can't too many facts are against him, and he knows it.

And yes, PWInsider has AGAIN, been reported to the Better Business Bureau over this obvious attempt at scamming. 

When I have all the information gathered, I'll be posting a story about this. But yes, they have been reported, again.

No matter how many times he tries this, and no matter how many times he gets busted doing this, Mike Johnson at PWInsider just can't seem to accept that tis ongoing scam of his hasn't worked.

I keep saying it, the definition of insanity (or in this case, stupidity) is doing the sae thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Yet... Here he is, again.

I wasn't looking for this, I was actually scouting other things to post on this site later when 6 people messaged me or sent me links and Screengrabs about this. So, since Mr. Johnson has insisted on trying this not working scam on his "Elite" membership (paid subscribers) again, I'll go ahead and call him out on his unprofessional attempt at again, scamming his paid subscribers again.

This is what you see when you first get to the PWInsider site, the listing of it, click the link for the Tony Khan media call that's now "Online", and... You get this.

So here it is, Ol Mikeypoo trying yet again (rolls eyes) to claim that this media call, that's "now online" is just 'exclusive' to his Elite Subscribers.. Ahem, Ahem... If it's 'online' then it should be available to more than PWInider's Elite Membership, right? 

Well as usual, Mike Johnson's "exclusive" is SSOOO exclusive that's it's Available, elsewhere, for free. Let me show you how 'exclusive" Mike Johnson's "exclusive", really isn't.

Lookie lookie, just wander over to the Observer page and what's there? THREE seperate stories on the media call.

And LLOOOK, you can even listen it to, FOR FREE at the observer site as well, no subscription needed. meaning no trying to scam subscribers like 'SOME PEOPLE" keep trying to do.

HHMMMM, hoe exclusive is Johnson's "exclusive' looking now, eh? (smiles)

Oh but we're not done yet, one simple search over at YouTube and once again, the bright light of Mike Johnson really thinking he had a hell of an 'exclusive' dims quickly, real quickly.

Proof is a mother fucker and since I'm always the mother fucker who has the proof? Poof, here it comes.

 Yeah, not real exclusive, isn't it. I didn't think so either.

But this isn't the first time he's been caught doing this. Attempting to scam his own paid subscribers has been an ongoing this for Mike, I don't know what business school recommended tis failing method but it sure hasn't been a winner. 

Here's a couple of recent examples, of how he's tried this scam and has gotten caught. The sad fact is almost every time, it's one of HIS OWN paid subscribers that's among the people who let me know about it. 

Here you go, two links to where he tried this and was busted out for it.

If that wasn't bad enough, he, Dave Scherer (who owns PWInsider) got reported to the Better Business Bureau over this. Scherer has openly said several times that PWInsider is run 'like a business', 

So people who felt they were getting scammed took Scherer at his word about it being run like a business and reported them to the Better Business Bureau.

You would think after all this Mike Johnson would just wave the white flag and give up on this scam. But as i said at the beginning of this. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

So here he is again, getting yet, the same results, busted.


Brian Meltzer said...

You better watch out, you know he and Dave Scherer are going to run and hide behind their show, We Don't Need No Stinking Name Show and cry about you.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I wouldn't expect anything less from them because that's what they always do, They don't have balls to do anything else so going on that show of theirs is as predictable as a rerun.

Jim Leeson said...

I started reading this with hopes of trying to defend Johnson and that maybe he made a mistake somewhere. There's no mistake and I can't defend him. I'm a long time fan of PWInsider, not an elite member but I usually get my news from there. I had no idea this was an ongoing thing with them. How can you say something is exclusive when you pointed out it's not? You keep pointing it out but he keeps trying this trick. I might be a fan of their site but I'm not a fan of these kind of business practices.

Christine Sedora said...

He did this again with Today's TK media call, but then he went and posted parts of hat was said on the call that he claimed was exclusive to elite members. Maybe he did the highlights of the call because he knew you'd catch him again?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

That, or maybe because he was reported to the Better Business Bureau AGAIN for these scams and they're seeing the long pattern of these scams, he might be trying to mind his p's and q's. What he 'should' do is just stop trying these scams, but much like Tony Khan not realizing AEW's problems lie with him, Mike doesn't want to learn either. Or, maybe he HAS started to learn, we shall see.