Tuesday, October 25, 2022

PWInsider Has Been Reported For Their Ongoing Scamming Of Paid Subscribers (AKA "Elite Members")


By Donnie Henderson

There's been rumors on Twitter, Facebook, email exchanges that I've had (and sent) and I received something from someone on Reddit, on the possibility of PWInsider getting reported to both the WWE and the Better Business Bureau because of their ongoing scamming of their paid subscribers that has been outlined here at WP&P (and other places). Most notably the very recent attempt by them using two media calls that Shawn Michaels participated in. You can view that story at this link.


WP&P has independently confirmed that this is true.

More than one person has filed a complaint against PWInsider with the Better Business Bureau, more than one person has sent a link to our story to the legal department of the WWE and Shawn Michaels himself was informed of this as well. 

Some people have contacted us stating that the Better Business Bureau can't get involved because PWInsider isn't considered a business. The answer to that is here, Dave Scherer's own words said to me personally on this in an email he sent to me a while back. He's the owner of PWInsider so who better to confirm or deny that than the owner himself.

Since Mr. Scherer has stated that PWInsider is a business, then as a business owner he's as liable and open to getting complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau as any other business. 

WP&P will continue to cover and update this story as it develops. We will also cover any more attempts by PWInsider to scam their subscribers and other people with false claims as they arise.

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