Tuesday, October 25, 2022

So Who Else Got Suckered By Dave Meltzer's Fake Story On GCW Working With WWE?


By Bill Walkowitz

How amusing it always is to see how many other "wrestling news sites" latch on to something Dave Meltzer either made up, or got "worked" and still posted it as fact. It never ceases to amaze me just how many sites can't get their own news and articles and HAVE to rely on a useless Meltzer, Dave Scherer or Mike Johnson (who also has been busted for posting fake stories as well. Add in his scamming of elite subscribers that I see has gotten him in some trouble) over at PWInsider for stories for their sites.

This is precisely why WP&P stopped posting any stories that had a Meltzer, Wrestling Observer, WrestlingInc or PWInsider reference to them. We knew we could get our own stories and stuff and we have, which is why we stand alone as a site that gets their own shit, and has MANY viewers from those other sites coming here. We simply post what the other sites won't.

So how many of these other sites were dumb enough to rely on the word of Meltzer and post the fake story of Game Changer Wrestling working with World Wrestling Entertainment? 

Besides What Culture who named Meltzer as their source in the screen grab above? Quite a few of you fell for it as well (shakes head), God there's a lot of dumb assed so called 'newsletter writers' out there.

WrestlingInc and Wrestletalk fell for it? Those two are pretty well known and yet they got suckered into thinking what Meltzer says is fact, LMAO!

Oh wait, there's some more, they're not the only ones who were this stupid.

Damn that's a whole lot of dumb shits who fell for the word of a guy who's well known for making shit up. Wade Keller's Pro Wrestling Torch also hit the list? LOL! Damn. 

All this because Meltzer was dumb enough to take a tweet by Joey Janela that was ribbing AEW, and thought it was factual, without doing any fact checking on it. 

Joey Janela has been well known for making himself look like a complete moron, and meltzer took something Joey tweeted as a rib, as fact? Pretty sad when an idiot makes a dumb 
ass like Meltzer (and others too now) look complete stupid. 

Wanna see how Janela has made a complete ass out of himself, and got 'checked' by a staff member of this site, WP&P? 

Here you, see for yourself.


What's really sad is many of these sites i listed, and others come tommorow? Are gonna be posting stories with the "According to Dave Meltzer at the Wrestling Observer" line in it, or a variation of it. And that's because the staff and owners of these sites just aren't smart enough to come up with their own stories and stuff like we do here at WP&P. They feel they have no choice but, to rely of a Meltzer (or Scherer or Mike Johnson) and hope, he's telling the truth this time. 

I'm glad Wrestling Past And Present stands alone as a site that doesn't to do what the other sites feel they NEED to do. WWEEE at least can get our own stories and that's vbecause WWEEE, smartened up to how meltzer and the others I mentioned post fake stories or won't truly fact check them.

So we'll continue to be the stand alone site that gets our own shit, because we, know better.

Too bad you other sites? Don't.

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