Thursday, November 16, 2023

Mike Johnson's (PWInsider) "Exclusive" Is SO EXCLUSIVE? It's Exclusively Available Elsewhere

 When will Mike Johnson finally realize that this ever failing scheme/scam of his, is never going to work? It's too easy to bust him on this but yet, he's so dumb he keeps doing it anyway.

Here as you see above he claims that the Tony Khan Full Gear media call is just "Exclusive" to his paid subscribers. Now you're going to see just how 'exclusive' it isn't.

Right over at The Observer's web site is this.

Or, you can see this one on YouTube, FOR FREE!

Here's the link so you can go and listen to it yourself.

Yeah sure Mikey, it's REAL, ahem, 'exclusive', LMAO!

Last year around this time we reported that he and PWInsider were reported to the Better Business Bureau for this, very same thing.

My guess is that they'll probably be reported again since I know a couple members of PWInsider's "Elite" subscription that are going to be pissed that Mike got busted trying to use this epic fail scam, AGAIN.

Oh believe me Mike's had a LONG pattern of trying this constantly getting caught. Here's a few examples since proof is, a mother fucker and this site always has the proof.

Back in September Mike was caught, TWICE in two days. and

Then there's this from back in February

There's plenty more I can add here, just go to our search bar and type in Mike Johnson's name or, PWInsider and you'll se whole slew of these. 

Dave Scherer who owns PWInsider has claimed over and over that PWInsider is 'run like a business'.. HMMM And what business or business school has taught him that flagrant false advertising is 'good business'? Funny how Scherer never seems to have an answer to that (Imagine, that).

So there you go, Mike Johnson, the 'face' of PWInsider has been once again, caught false advertising and scamming his paid Elite members. Someone should ask Johnson how he can justify doing that knowing he gets caught every time he tries this.

Some people just major in stupid, Mike Johnson is living proof that when it comes to this? he has a masters degree in stupid.


Jack Reynolds said...

Johnson and Scherer try so hard to claim they're legitimate journalists but then they get outted like this. I used the search bar and man, is there a whole lot of shit on them you reported on. They're not as squeaky clean as they appear to be. This is grade masters degree in stupid.

Jason McCormick said...

Mike be on some bullshit with this. I'm glad I don't pay for any kind of subscription because this is bullshit. How can you say you're credible if you're doing these stunts? I know if I was a paid elite member I'd report his ass to the BBB in a hot minute. After reading this, and seeing how many times he's done this? Bullshit, I lost all respect for PWInsider. Scabs.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT HEADLINE! I can't stop laughing, "Is exclusively available elsewhere" has got to be one of your best lines yet. Don't mind me if I give this link to a few people, they're diehard PWInsider marks so I bet they have no knowledge about this what so ever.

Anonymous said...

It's safe to say after seeing this that Mike Johnson is a fucking moron. And Dave Scherer is an even bigger moron for allowing this and probably recommending this.

Sandra Wolinski said...

No way they can justify this, or rationalize it. But they're supposed to be considered honest and legitimate. Maybe Mike likes to be portrayed as an idiot, he apparently has it down perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I reached out on Twitter to both Johnson and Scherer for them to comment on this story and guess what, they both blocked me. You know what that means, they know they were caught. Guilty.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Of course they blocked you, they always block people who bring up stories like this. Dave Scherer loves to harass and knock Meltzer and politicians but when it comes to him, Johnson and PWInsider? They run and hide behind blocks, then hide behind their "We Don't Need No Name" show they do every week, whining and trying to deflect from the fact they got caught doing exactly what they claim others do.

No surprise they blocked you, no surprise at all.