Thursday, February 2, 2023

Mike Johnson (PWInsider) Caught Trying To Scam People AGAIN (Updated 2-2-23 At 8:30 pm)


Bill Walkowitz

I've said this for over a year now, Mike Johnson just can't stop trying to scam them Elite Members of his, he just can't help himself and even though he has gotten reported to the Better Business Bureau for PRECISELY this reason? Here he is, trying the scamming scheme again, and once again he's caught doing it. 

I mean seriously. If you've been reported for doing this, WHY, would you even attempt doing it again? We here at WP&P have said and proven over and over again that Johnson and Dave Scherer clearly aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, I guess I should thank Johnson for proving me right, again.

You see the above screen shot, Mike 'claims' the audio is "available exclusively to subscribers", but yet? Take a stroll over to YouTube and GUESS, what you'll see over there.

YYYEEEPPPP, sure looks 'Exclusive' to me, LMAO! Nice try Mikey but again, epic fail on your part. Why are your paying subscribers seeing something you can see elsewhere for free? DUH! Only a moron thinks that's a great idea.

As I said Johnson was indeed reported for doing this precise thing. You can see the stories here and here Maybe we should thank Mike for doing this because thanks to his own actions,  he's now updated that complaint/report and has further established a pattern for trying to scam people. Proof is a mother fucker and I always seem to be the mother fucker who has the proof. So thank Mike Johnson for further giving them and the others who have reported him, even more proof. If you got caught doing it over five times, what makes you think the SIXTH time is going to be the time you get away with it? A 'very special' kind of logic Johnson and Scherer have over at PWInsider. And since Dave Scherer owns PWInsider, HE obviously still condones attempting to scam paid subscribers. Not a great way to run PWInsider 'like a business' but this is obviously Scherer's 'business mode'. Whatever it takes to get that extra nickel, eh Scherer? 

The fact Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer were on Eric Bischoff's podcast a few weeks back trying to come off as legitimate and honest 'journalists' is very amusing when you see that Johnson was dumb enough to think he could still, try and scam his paid subscribers and get away with it. Credibility is sure diminished when facts like this come out. 

I said it before, I'll say it now, and I'm sure I'll wind up saying it again. Someday Mike Johnson will find a new scheme to try, some day he'll actually stop tryin g to scam subscribers for good.

Some day, obviously, isn't today. 

UPDATE 2-2-2023 @ 8:30

Even Meltzer's site. WON/F4W had the media call for free. yet, Mike Johnson puts it "exclusively" for paid subscribers only. Am I the only one whop sees how fucking stupid Mike Johnson is with this continually failing scheme of his? 

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