Tuesday, September 26, 2023

PWInsider Caught Trying To Scam Their Paid Subscribers, AGAIN


Even though Mike Johnson has been caught doing this several times, even though it's been documented that PWInsider was reported to the Better Business Bureau for this very thing, here's Mike Johnson trying this scam again? And again, he's been caught.

Some people just never learn so since Mike Johnson refuses or doesn't want to learn? He'll simply keep getting caught trying to scam his "Elite" paid subscribers with something that isn't "exclusive' only to them.

Here's the latest attempt at trying to scam them paid subscribers, Today's media call with AEW Owner Tony Khan. Here's a screen grab of what Mike Johnson "would have you believe".

Yeah it's RREEAALL 'exclusive', it's SSOOO EXCLUSIVE in fact, that you can hear it for free right over at, YouTube. Here's the link to the "not so exclusive' Tony Khan media call.


Uh Oh, what's this? Another one?

Oh shit, would you look at this? TWO MORE. Damn, not so 'exclusive' after all, eh Mikey? And to think, people actually PAY to be Elite members and this is what they pay for.

Nice try Mikey, but another epic failure for a man who's supposed to be regarded as a 'credible' journalist. You tried your old scamming trick again and again, you've been caught. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Well Mike Johnson is obviously the living definition of that as here he is, trying this and again busted, in public.

If you think he and PWInsider weren't reported to the Better Business Bureau over these kind of shenanigans? Here's proof they were. https://wrestlingpastandpresent.blogspot.com/2022/10/pwinsider-has-been-reported-for-their.html

and here, with comments from PWInsider owner Dave Scherer.


You can also see the long pattern of Mike Johnson getting caught over and over trying this scheme, here. https://wrestlingpastandpresent.blogspot.com/2022/10/some-day-mike-johnson-pwinsider-will.html

Maybe the people who reported PWInsider to the Better Business Bureau will be making another report since Mike Johnson has become a 'repeat offender' of this scam.

It also makes you wonder what Tony Khan will think of Johnson that media call to scam paid subscribers.

I bet Right about now? Tony Khan knows about it. (smiles).


James Mason said...

Talk about being caught with your hand in the cookie jar, PWInsider has flat out been caught red handed and the links you provided of you showing this isn't the first time Johnson has done this says a lot about how they claim to be honest and legitimate reporters. Nice job WP&P.

Jack Reynolds said...

Dave Scherer loves to crack on Meltzer and politicians on Twitter, but when someone like you points this kind of shady shit out in his own house? He suddenly has nothing to say, have you noticed that?