Friday, October 21, 2022

Some Day Mike Johnson (PWInsider) Will Stop Trying To Scam His "Elite" Subscribers (Some Day Obviously, Isn't Today)


Updated 10-23-2022 7:30 PM

By Bill Walkowitz

If you get busted AGAIN for trying to scam your paid subscribers, what would you think the thing you DON'T do, would be? Not try and scam those same subscribers AGAIN, just a few hours after getting busted.

BUT, as has been pointed out time and again, Mike Johnson just isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. He must enjoy showing how THIS, is how he and Dave Scherer run PWInsider "like a business".  He proves it yet again with this below.

And this, is how "exclusively" full of shit Mike Johnson is, yet again.

Sad he just isn't smart enough to smarten up, but.. As long as he feeding his addiction to try and scam his paid subscribers? We'll keep catching him and 'checking' him on it. 

What's even sadder is that Dave Scherer who owns PWInsider, loves to brag that his site is 'run like a business'. What business school taught these two morons that attempting the same scam and scheme over and over and continuously getting caught doing it, was 'great business sense'? 

Pretty damn sad that the this site (WP&P) which Scherer calls a 'bottom feeder site', has shown to be more professional in running a site like a business, than these two do. 

Let that irony, sink in.

Below is the original story on how Mike again got busted just yesterday by yours truly. Will someone please tell Johnson to find a new scam? This obviously has failed him, and the only person who hasn't realized it? is him.

If there ever was someone who's the living breathing definition of 'dumb ass', it's Mike Johnson over at PWInsider. Because only a complete dumb ass would keep trying the same scam over and over, and over again knowing he's gonna get caught and "checked'. 

But some people apparently? Insist on being, just this stupid.

This latest example was too easy to get him on, and obviously people like Matt Zander, Stephen Rodgers, Sonny Richardson, Gail Hayes and even fellow contributor here at WP&P Donnie Henderson, blew up my Facebook messenger with this knowing I'd have nnnnoo problem putting Johnson in his place, yet again.

SO? Once again you thank me for doing what nobody else has the balls to do, and what no other 'wrestling writer' has the guts to do. Which is why WP&P stands out when it comes to all the other so called "wrestling news" sites.

Here's ol Mikey's claim that the Shawn Michaels media call is only 'exclusive' to Elite Subscribers (meaning nobody else but those people who have now paid to be scammed by Mike again, can hear it).

But look who has that very same media call, up on YouTube for free?

UUUHHH OOOHHHH, UUUHHHHH... OOOHHHHH, busted yet again Mikey. 

Mike Johnson has had a LONG pattern of trying to scam those paid elite members, and the fucked up part? Is that these same paid subscribers feel it's 'okay' that they're paying to be scammed by Johnson. Yes, people are just that stupid that they're okay with Mike Johnson scamming him and will gladly continue to pay PWInsider to they can keep getting scammed like this. 

Here's some examples of how Mike Johnson is the definition of the word insanity, keeps doing the same thing over and over again even though he keeps getting 'checked', every time he does it.

With those links above and today's story? That's FOUR TIMES Mike's been busted trying this scheme since June. Four times, but wait, there's more.

That's April and May of this year. So many times Mike has gotten caught this year you'd think he'd want to do something about this 'scamming problem' he has. What's worse is Dave Scherer, the SOLE OWNER of PWInsider (ask him and he'll gladly tell you) allows this.

Hell of a way to run PWInsider 'like a business' eh Dave? Not a good or 'professional' way to try and make a nickel Dave.

But wait, wait, wait wait wait, here's another one.

And here's YET, another one. Notice this LONG pattern here? Mike tries to scam the subscribers, Mike gets caught. This stuff writes itself because Mike just can't or won't, smarten up.

He sure seems to have one hell of a scamming problem, doesn't he. I guess he just can't control himself. 

What's so funny is Johnson's partner in crime Dave Scherer, call OUR SITE, WP&P a 'bottom feeder' site..Ahem, Dave? Thje one thing this 'bottom feeder' site doesn't do? is try to scam or swerve people like yoiu and Johnson have shown over and over that YOU Do. Only 'bottom feeder' dumb asses like you kleep doing it, even though you get cauight and busted out publicly every time you do try and do it.

Let that sink in.

But wait, uuhh oohh, You know they'll be whining and bitching on their next "We Don't need No Stinkin Name" show, LMAO! Because that's where those two always go ru n and hide behind when they wanna cry and complkain  about getting checked. They both have no balls to say anything anywhere else so they go and hide behind their little show so they can beat their chests and think they're internet bad asses. 

Since Mikeypoo claims that media call is 'exclusive' ONLY to his paid subscribers? Here's how 'exclusive', it's not. Go check out the media call here.

Then ask Mike, when is he gonna stop making himself look like a dumb ass? I'd love to see how he tries to answer that, if he even TRIES, to answer that (smiles).

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