Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Nice To See That Tony Schiavone LIED (Or.. Someone AGAIN Needs Lessons In Properly Titling Videos)


Nowhere, and I repeat, NNNOOOO-WHERE on this video does Tony Schiavone says what the tile of this video claims he says. So this was either a straight up lie by Tony, OR.. Whoever the fuck keeps uploading these videos for Conrad STILL, needs to go to school so they can learn how to put the correct title to the correct video. Here's the link, go listen for yourself.

Pretty cheesey and sketchy if Conrad Thompson knowingly cosigned this bullshit, then that says a whole lot about his reputation and credibility.

This isn't the first time there's been fuck ups like this when it comes to Videos from Conrad's podcasts. There's been a whole pattern of these kind of screw ups and since it's still happening? It's safe to assume that Conrad really doesn't want to do anything to correct the issue.

Here's some past examples of whoever uploads these videos for Conrad, seriously being in need of going to uploading school.

There's this,

Then there's this,

Oh yeah, let's not for get this either.

Want another one? Okay, here you go.

Hey how about one more.. Here you go.

I can list at least, three more links to video fuckups when it comes to Conrad Thompson. The issues just won't go away, and from this latest one, STILL won't go away.

And as for Tony's attempt at a snide remark saying "so go ahead you dirt sheet writers, write your shit in that nobody reads, and hit send?" This is the amount of people who DO read this site, just from the last two hours.

That's a WHOLE LOT OF "nobodies" there, Tony. nice try though. Enjoy the fact you've just been schooled, and... You've just been, 'checked'.


Johnathon Roberts said...

Where do you find these stories at? It's like every day lately you've come up with something to put someone on blast. Where do you find these at?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I usually don't have to find them, they find me. Either someone sends them to me or when I go on YouTube, I see it in my Subscriptions feed.