Thursday, December 22, 2022

Once Again, Whoever is Uploading Videos For Conrad Thompson's Podcasts, Needs Some F*cking Lessons On How To Do It Correctly


Bill Walkowitz

Whoever is uploading videos for Conrad Thompson either needs to be fired, or at least, LEARN HOW TO UPLOAD THE CORRECT ONES, DUMB ASS! Is it really THAT HARD to post the correct one that you're putting a title to?

So since I get to again bring this topic to light? The answer seems to be? Yes, it IS that hard for someone to do.

See for yourself on how stupid or clueless whoever it is that Conrad hired, is.

This video was uploaded nine hours ago.

See the title on that? If you click the link and watch it, it'll show it has NOTHING at all to do with what the title of the video says it is. You also can see my reply to it which I'm sure will be quickly deleted.

But if you look at THIS Video, which was posted just, YESTERDAY, 

Guess what, it's the SAME video that was posted just nine hours ago. Which means some dumb ass AGAIN, posted the same video, with two different titles within 24 hours of each other and wasn't paying attention when he uploaded them. 

This isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened. There's been a long running pattern of these kind of fuck ups, which can be seen here at this link.

Apparently ol Conrad doesn't feel a need to correct this long standing issue. I guess fixing the fuck ups is 'beneath him' to do, eh? 

It still shouldn't be that fucking difficult to pay attention to what you're actually uploading, but? I guess when it comes to some , it is, that Difficult, and Conrad Thompson actually pays these people to do these kind of fuck ups. 

Must be nice getting paid to fuck up your job and not have to answer for it. 

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