Thursday, May 12, 2022

Wouldn't It Be Nice If They Could Put The Right Clip With The Title? It Would But 'Someone' Doesn't Seem Capable Of It


By Bill Walkowitz

It looks like laziness and unprofessionalism has returned to the land of Conrad Thompson's podcasts. This is as blatantly lazy as it comes. 

Is it really THAT HARD to actually LISTEN to the clip, BEFORE you upload it? Apparently whoever is a uploading these, the answer is yes. It is hard and is too much of a challenge for them. hence what you see in the above screen grabs.

All the ass clown who uploaded this did, was delete the very same clip he uploaded TWO DAYS AGO which was titled correctly about Arn talking about barbed wire matches, and just re-insert5ed the SAME CLIP HE DELETED, right here, with a title that has nothing to with the clip. 

If you want to look up the definition of 'dumb ass" these pictures will be somewhere as a great example of what the meaning is, because only a dumb ass, would be this fucking stupid.

And the sad part is? Conrad's probably paying the dipshit to fuck up like this. Must be nice to have a job like that, eh?

He had one job, and as you can see, he still, couldn't do it right.

This isn't the first time fuckups like this have happened. Want to see some examples? We here at WP&P got em.

Like this one here

Oh then there's this one too

And of course there's this one

And yes we have more, like this one

The examples don't seem to stop since there's this one as well.

And who could forget this one (smiles)

Someday Conrad will hire someone who actually knows, what the fuck they're doing.

Unfortunately, 'some day', won't be today. 

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