Sunday, July 10, 2022

"Somebody" STILL Doesn't Know How To Title Conrad Thompson's Videos Correctly (Didn't realize it Was Really THAT Difficult To Do, LOL)

 By Bill Walkowitz

I know it's Sunday, and maybe someone was out late last night and hasn't been able to 'sleep it off' properly, but come on this is real fucking ridiculous.

Is it really THAT HARD to put the correct title with the right video clip? 

Apparently since this isn't the first time this has happened, it 'is' just that complicated.

Here's the screen grabs that tell the story, From the Arn Show, the clip is titled about the Four Horsemen vying for the U.S. Tag team titles BUT.. Not once was that ever mentioned in the video clip. 

You can go hear it for yourself right here.

This isn't the first time someone fucked up and I'm sure it won't be the last because it's obvious that whoever Conrad has hired to do this? Isn't fucking good at it.

I covered this very topic back in May. You can see that story, here.

Back in November not once, but TWICE, two day in a row the screw ups came. and 

And look how many times in August this happened.

I can keep listing examples because they just keep coming. Which means, Conrad either doesn't want to fix the issue OR, he just doesn't give a shit. 

You'd think as a 'business man' he'd actually would want to own up, and correct this.

Since this keeps happening? Obviously what I've said about Conrad Not giving a shit, seems more true than ever. 

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