Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Another Example Of How Someone Needs To Pay Attention When Uploading Conrad Thompson's Videos


By Bill Walkowitz

Whoever is the idiot that uploads videos to YouTube for Conrad Thompson must be a complete moron, and if it's Conrad himself that's doing it? Then HE must be a total dumb ass.

I mean how is it you can title a video "Kurt Angle On If he faced Any backstage Politics in TNA", then upload a video where he doesn't say ONE WORD about what you titled the video with?

Does the word "Jackass" come to mind here? Sure does, along with some other choice words I could add.

See for yourself, and see how I called them out on it as well. Cause the 'marks' who watch this won't have the balls to do it, so it'll always be ;left to a staff member here, at WP&P to do what they're too scared to do.

They've had this long pattern of doing this for quite some time, and I guess no matter how many times they get busted and embarrassed on it, they'll insist on being just this stupid.

Here's an example of how's they've this dumb shit before.

Sad part is? I can STILL keep going, that's how many times they do this kind of crap and I guess, they don't give a shit how they screw up, just as long as the video is uploaded, eh?

Nice to see that 'professionalism' is STILL, at an all time high (gives sarcastic 'thumbs up') Keep up the sloppy work, dipshits.

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