Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Matt Cardona Gets KNOCKED OUT, And Nobody Really Cares | IMPACT! Highlights April 15, 2021


Sami Callihan is so unconvincing in every way, I don't get why he's pushed so much here in Impact (other than, who else do they really have). He has that "Man there's got to be something better on, somewhere else" kind of feeling, every time I watch him. 

A show of ECW from 1994 that I'll be watching after suffering thru this shit, WILL BE, the 'something better on, somewhere else" and that's sad.. That a show from 1994 will blow away anything that Impact has done over the last year, with ease. That says TONS about how bad this product is, and how much the bookers (Don Callkis and Scotty D'Amore) don't seem to care.

As long as they're getting paid, who cares how shitty it is, eh? 

How many fucking clotheslines are they gonna do in this match? Way too many and the fact neither guy is willing to 'sell' the move? Makes using it kinda stupid at this point. 

Remember when a clothesline was once considered a "deadly move"? These two obviously don't.

UUMMM, WHEN exactly was Matt Cardona 'knocked out'? After Sami got the three count Matt was STILL MOVING, DUMB ASS!

Last time I checked 'knocked out' meant you weren't moving, you were out cold. 

Whoever titles these highlights really does need to get a clue, or at the least, try WATCHING the highlights all the way thru. 

Then again that might be a concept that's over their head because that would involve something called logic. Which doesn't seem to exist anywhere in Impact Wrestling as I've been revealing week in, and week out, and will continue to do for weeks to come. 

Here's the link to this yawner.

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