Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Jazz's EMOTIONAL Retirement Ceremony Where She Wrestles Again. (Retirement Doesn't Mean Wrestle One More Match, Dimwits)- IMPACT! Highlights April 15, 2021


So the new thing in Impact is, if you lose a match where your career is on the like, you actually wrestle ONE MORE MATCH, after that? 

Who's the fucking dumb ass who came up with THAT logic? Don Callis, who shouldn't be booking anything, anywhere? Or Scotty D'Amore, who had his own indie company and it wasn't really that good? Either way this kind of dumb assed logic is exactly one of the things that are wrong with Impact's product. And when Anthem Sports, the owners of Impact keep allowing guys who shouldn't be booking to keep booking? THIS, is the kind of shit you're gonna get, every week. 

Of course you know, some Impact 'mark' is gonna SWEAR, this was 'brilliant' booking. (rolls eyes)

Fire and Flav are more examples of how the women of Impact 'sell' better than the men. Makes you go, HHMMM, why do the male wrestlers in Impact have so much trouble 'selling' moves? 

Funny how nobody seems to have an answer to that, imagine that. :)

Guess the 'do the job and just retire' idea that goes with every stipulation like that that has ever been made, wasn't for Jazz. She just HAD to get a win somehow.. 

"Lose and just retire? That don't work for me brother, I need a win before I leave", LOL! 

I love how she says "I'm announcing my retirement". DUH! You lost a match where the stipulation was, you lose, you retire, dipshit. So there's nothing to 'announce'. You announced the obvious. 

Again, logic must be something of a mystery in Impact Wrestling. Because they sure the fuck don't seem to have any when it comes to booking and writing this product. 

A logic editor would be Don Callis's and Scotty D'Amore's friend right about now. 

When she appears on an indie show somewhere, how much you wanna bet she'll side step the fact she's 'retired'.. Again? LOL!

Here's the link if you wanna suffer thru this nonsense.

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