Wednesday, April 21, 2021

TECHNICAL MASTERPIECE? (Not this match) , X-Division On Fire! (No, Not really) | IMPACT! Highlights April 15, 2021


A three minute fifty one second highlight video of spot fest acrobatics that have no psychology or substance, "Selling" that's on the level of atrocious at best and Josh Alexander trying too many times to be Kurt Angle using the ankle lock and failing.

Mostly, it's your typical X Division match. A very LONG three minutes and fifty One seconds to say the least.

TJP's role is MLW seems to be better suited, than here in Impact.. Which would come as no surprise as this IS, Impact. Where Don Callis as a booker has been a failure, and the only one who can't seem to realized that is, Don Callis. 

Instead of trying to present Josh Alexander as a poor imitation of Kurt Angle, why not just go and rehire Kurt Angle? Better to have the original than a bargain basement wannabe. 

I guess Anthem doesn't wanna spend that kind of money and Alexander must come cheap, in comparison. 

BUT, this is the booking 'brilliance' of Impact Wrestling (rolls eyes).

D'Lo Brown screaming "BOTH MEN ARE AMAZING" when they're clearly not, doesn't add a fucking thing to this, at all.

TJP doesn't connect with a dive off the ropes and what do we get? YET ANOTHER failed attempt at an ankle lock.. 

This is the point where someone in the back should be screaming "Give it a rest with the fucking ankle lock, it's too much and it's not working. Nor is it convincing after the seventh attempt at it, moron ". 

Technical boredom is what this was, and here's the link so you can fall asleep to it.

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