You would think that after getting busted over and over for the last couple of weeks that the so called, self proclaimed 'journalists' over at Wrestlinginc would stop stealing stories from PWInsider's Elite (paid membership site). You would 'think' that, but then.. There's this latest one who just can't seem to stop stealing from there and has, as you guess it.. Been caught, again.
So which is it, is it that they aren't capable of getting their own content? They just don't 'know how' to get their own content? Or are just so stupid that they really think that stealing from a paid subscription site is what now 'qualifies them' to be a "Journalist"?
Someone ask them and let me know how they try to explain themselves, because this continued logic that they have that it's okay to just steal from sites where you have to pay to be a subscriber like PWInsider Elite and Fightful Select is considered 'okay to do', really is both baffling and astounding.
So here's the latest "journalist" to blatantly brag that he stole his story from PWInsider Elite, most likely, without Mike Johnson's and Dave Scherer's permission.
And right here is where ol Eric blatantly brags where he stole his 'exclusive' from.
NNOOWW, guess what happens when you click that "PWInsider Elite link Eric posted, come on, guess... You know where this goes as well as I do because not one, not two, BUT OVER SEVEN other self proclaimed 'journalists' were caught going to this same place to steal.
OOHH GEE, where have we seen this login to a paid subscription site before, eh?
OOHH I think you saw it here... When they first got caught back in OCTOBER.
Then you saw it here.
Oh wait, you saw it here too.
Then, you saw it over here as well.
But wait, there's more. Like this one that's currently the most popular story here at WP&P.
And of course we'll add this, what happens when three of the Wrestlinginc 'journalists' get asked to explain their stealing.
You see the pattern here? They get caught stealing because they allowed themselves to get caught by their flagrant admitting they took advantage of the paid subscription they had by stealing from that paid site without owner's permission, to use on another site that apparently has a staff that doesn't have the skills or talent to get anything on their own.
They make stories like this so easy because stories like this write themselves when you this continued pattern of stupidity.
How much do you want to bet that Eric Mutter didn't have permission from Mike Johnson or Dave Scherer to use this on Wrestlinginc? We're no fans of Johnson and Scherer but I can assure you, that since Scherer has said time and again that he operates PWInsider like a business? He didn't Eric any kind of permission.
So how many more stories like this are going to pop up? As many times as the staff at Wrestlinginc continue to steal from sites pay to be a subscriber of. If Wrestlinginc or Static media who owns Wrestlinginc don't like seeing stories like this continually coming out? There's a real simple solution to end it.
Tell your staff of 'journalists' to stop stealing, OOOOOOO, what a hell of a concept, eh?
Damn, you got them again? Why is the management at Wrestlinginc allowing this to continue? The more stories like this that come out the worse they look. You outted half their staff on this and they still keep doing it? It makes no sense why management there keeps allowing this unless they're just as dumb as the people you outted.
The fact they seriously consider themselves journalists is laughable at this point.
Ask Wrestlinginc. They won't comment back when I inquire to them about these stories.
The fact people consider that site as credible after most of their staff has been busted like this is laughable.
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