Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dave Meltzer 'Reports' The Story But Doesn't Supply A Link (It's Okay Dave, We Have The Link You Didn't Feel Like Providing)


I know Dave, it must really be difficult between you making up fake stories, then trying to defend and double down on the fact you got caught making up fake stories to actually do a simple little thing like provide a link to a story in YOUR VERY OWN UPDATE!

It's okay Dave, stick to making up fiction you try to put over as fact, a real wrestling site like this one (WP&P) will furnish what you either were too lazy to provide, or had no clue on how to get. Of course had you taken thirty seconds of your precious time and did this little thing called RESEARCH. You would've found it as quickly as I did. Then again research and you don't always go hand in hand now, do they. 

So here it is. I'll lay this out on how lazy Meltzer was. Here's the above screen shot of his "Daily Update" for yesterday (Friday).

And here's the story where ol Uncle Dave decided providing a link to it was too much to ask.

Look at that, no link to show the actual appearance. nice 'top notch' journalism Dave, give yourself 'five stars' for fucking up.

But damn, look what I found after venturing over to YouTube.

WWHHAATTT? That can't be Cody Rhodes's appearance on Good Morning Britain, can it? Good ol Dave Meltzer couldn't find it, this can't be right, can it?

It's right, and here's the link, Meltzer felt he didn't need to provide for his own story on it, in his own update, on HIS own webpage.

This isn't the first time he's been caught not providing a link and we here at WP&P have had to do his job for him.

Take a trip down memory lane and see for yourself.

Want more? I've got more for you.

Wait wait, these just keep coming.

I have at least three more examples I could add but you see the pattern. 

And for any "Meltzer Marks' who want to come out and say "uuhh duh, why don't you tell Meltzer about this yourself?"

I have, a couple years back and it was a very short conversation after I posted a link to a story I did where he forgot/neglected/didn't feel like furnishing a link on his 'Daily Update'. Here's exactly, how they convo went.

He tried to spin out of it, couldn't even get the 'spin' right. He got 'checked' by me and then he ran and hid behind a block because he saw how clearly, he was 'checked'. 

So since I'm blocked, someone go ahead and send him this story, it was my great pleasure to show, that we here at WP&P can actually do Dave Meltzer's job, better than Dave Meltzer.


Jason McCormick said...

I don't know which is funnier, you finding the link he didn't have or you getting blocked by Meltzer. I'm surprised he didn't go back and forth with you over and over like he does everyone else he argues with. You owned him in two replies and he blocks you, what a puss.

Joe Khorsiuck said...

Dave Meltzer is widely known as what? Says who? Tony Khan? You Meltzer Mark? Dave Meltzer sets the standard when it comes to spreading bullshit he makes up on the fly. Show me where he's considered the most credible journalist. I don't believe it for a minute.

WP&P nice burn on Meltzer, I'm not Uncle Dave but even I can feel the burn you gave him.


you're a hater. it's all over the internet how Dave Meltzer is the king of wrestling journalists. Everyone else just bows to the king because they know he is king. He's the top of the mountain when it comes to his credibility and knowledge. Whatcha gonna do when Meltzermania runs wild on you. Just kneel before the king and acknowledge him because he is king. Everyone else that does dirt sheets just wants what Dave Meltzer has.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

If he's such a king then why didn't he bother to put a link in for this story? Answer me that "genius".