Sunday, March 24, 2019

Second Time In A Week, Dave Meltzer Can't Post A Link Right if His Life Depended On It

He really should just have someone else post links for him because this is pretty fucking pathetic.

Here's the link to the story of him being incapable of doing this that I posted two days ago.

So NOW.. Two days later? There's THIS... From Today's "Daily Update" comes this gem.

Now click where it says "Here's the match" and THIS... Is what you get.

I seriously can't stop laughing at this... You can't make this shot up, not at all. How stupid is someone really to where twice in what, two days? Can't post a link to something correctly? Is it really that hard for Meltzer to do? Is it really that much of a challenge for him? 

Apparently... It is, the struggle for him is, just that real, LMAO!

SSOOO, since Meltzer is truly incapable of posting a link correctly. HERE.. Is the REAL Link to that match.

You can go ahead and thank me now, least I know how to post links on my site correctly. :)

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