Monday, November 26, 2018

Meltzer Posts A Link To A Video That's Unavailable (But I'll give you a link that IS Available)

Dave Meltzer Posted a link that allegedly was to show the old Ric Flair "Fire And Ice" Music Video that aired years ago. WWEEELLLL? This is the result when you click on the link Meltzer supplied. Take a look.

But lo and behold look what I found... I found a link that IS available that shows the video. So since meltzer again shows he doesn't have a fucking clue when it comes to links on Youtube. I'll be the better person and post the link that actually does work. Make sure you tell Meltzer how he fucked up, again. And how I'm the one who did his job properly for him, again. :)

As you can see, the link I posted, does work. So you can thank me now for once again showing why Meltzer is a fucking moron.

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