Monday, November 26, 2018

Yet ANOTHER Dumb Ass Gets Checked By Me On Twitter (Why Do They Make It So Easy?)

This guy 'allegedly' read the topic where I put " CrazyChris" Alpha-1 in their place and where Ethan Page wound up blocking a few people because he was getting smashed on. Now HAD HE read the WHOLE yopic, all the comments and replies, he would've seen what I had to put him in place on, right there. But since he proved to be a liar and full of shit? Well.. Here it is, the shots speak for themselves about how stupid some people really are when they get on Social media.

If you're gonna try and engage against me, at least be something of a challenge, ok? This gets to be too easy when one click and 30 seconds later people like this, get smacked for saying shit they were too lazy to do research on ahead of time. Which is why a guy like me can easily make a guy like this (and many others) look like total dipshits.

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