Monday, May 17, 2021

Once Again Dave Meltzer Can't Post A Link Correctly, SSOO. I'll Do it For Him. (Someone PLEASE Show Him How it's Done)


Yes, again ol Dave Meltzer at the Wrestling Observer web page has proven that he's incapable of posting a link to something on his own. Let me show you his latest debacle. 

He posts a story about how the New York Post said that the match between Damien Priest And The Miz was "one of the saddest moments in WWE History. I mean here's the screen shot of him hyping it, right from his own web page.

But WHAT HAPPENS when you go and click on the link HE posted? 

Well.. THIS, aaahahahahahahahahahaha. 


That's okay Meltzer, I'll furnish the CORRECT link since you simply can't do it. And once you see this story (and I know you will) You'll STILL be too lazy to correct yourself since you've proven many times in the past that YOU correcting yourself is something you think is, 'Beneath you'.

Do you even LOOK at the links you're attempting to post? Apparently if I'm doing this article, the answer is pretty obvious. NO, you're too lazy to even LOOK at the links you're trying to post.

Research Meltzer, can be your friend if you took 30 seconds to actually do it. Just saying. 

But hey, stick to being lazy, it seem to be working well for you (rolls eyes). 

For those who would like to have the CORRECT link that Dave Meltzer wasn't able to give? here you go. I'll furnish it since Dave isn't smart enough the difference between a correct link and an incorrect link.

You're welcome. 

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