Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Somebody PLEASE Remind Mike Johnson (PWInsider) That It's Not An "Exclusive" If It's Available On YouTube


No matter how many times Mike Johnson over at PWInsider gets busted for this, no matter how many times his so called 'exclusive' gets outted for being a lie, he STILL wants to insist on doing the same thing again, KNOWING he's going to get caught and busted.

The man must really enjoy being the living breathing definition of the word insanity, because he keeps trying this scam on his Elite (paid) members/subscribers and claiming to them, that THIS is INDEED, an 'exclusive' ONLY (according to Mike Johnson's imagination) available to you paid suckers who keep falling for this trick. So, as usual, since Mike Johnson insists on doubling down on this ever failing scam. We here at Wrestling Past And Present will show you, AGAIN, just how 'exclusive' Mike Johnson's 'exclusive', really isn't.

One simple little search on Youtube of Tony Khan's little media call? Well well what do we see here? "EXCLUSIVE" only to PWInsider's paid subscribers? NNAAA, NOT.. Even close.

HHMMM this doesn't seem top be as 'exclusive' as ol Mikey Johnson wants you to believe it is.. But wait, look look, LLOOKKIIEEE HERE.

I don't know... Mikey, if your piece is SSSOOOO "Exclusive", then why is it listed here on YouTube, for people to hear, OR FREE?

You know he'll never comment or answer anything related to this, he always blocks people who dare to have the nerve to bust him out in public on this topic. 

But wait, we're not done yet, there's more.. Of course, there's more.

DDDAAMMNNN, sure doesn't look so 'exclusive' now, does it. 

But we do have one more, which is a pretty obvious one.

Right at The Observer webpage, Josh Nason put the link to the audio of the media call, which 'anybody and EVERYBODY" can listen to? FFFOORRR Free.

Looks like it's Mea Culpa time for Mike Johnson. Time for Mike Johnson to go onto his PWInsider site and admit, he was wrong. His "Exclusive" on the Tony Khan media call is once again, NOT "Exclusive". 

Johnson and Dave Scherer have harped and harped about people like Dave Meltzer never doing a Mea Culpa when he got something wrong, now that it's time for Mikey to do it? We all know, just like when Dave Scherer got called out to do a Mea Culpa, he turned into a chickenshit and refused to do it. ( https://wrestlingpastandpresent.blogspot.com/2024/11/dave-scherer-pwinsider-gets-fact.html and https://wrestlingpastandpresent.blogspot.com/2024/11/its-official-wp-called-out-dave-scherer.html ) Johnson's gonna take the very same path, put the chicken suit on and refuse to do it, even though it's pretty obvious, he needs to.

Too bad Mike Johnson never learns this lesson, but hey, let's hope he never smartens up because as long as he wants to be the definition of the word insanity, Wrestling Past And Present will continue to gain a great reputation because we have the balls to call bullshit like this out.

You can go ahead and thank us now... You're welcome (smiles).


Rich McCormick said...

You would think that Johnson would've given up this scheme but stupid is as stupid does. This does make Johnson look very stupid.

Jack Reynolds said...

These guys fancy themselves as being so high and mighty, so much more professional than anyone else but then this comes up. They also don't want to talk about how they were reported to the Better Business Bureau for this same reason. Imagine that.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

It does, and it'll be our continued pleasure to show just how stupid he is.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Anyone who wants to see the stories of them getting reported to the Better Business Bureau can just use our search mode. We're the ONLY news site that had the balls to report that, nobody else but us and we had the facts and the evidence. Stories like this furnish plenty of evidence.

Bryan Knight said...

I don't know if you noticed but Tony Khan had a media call today. Guess who actually didn't cover it this time? Mike Johnson. Maybe he finally did learn his lesson. Don't do one of them mea culpas but instead just avoid covering a media call altogether.