Update 11-20-24 2:00 pm
Scroll down and you'll see that 'someone' at PWInsider isn't happy that we fact checked Dave Scherer
Dave Scherer in his Q&A today made a claim that can and has, been easily fact checked. Dave Scherer over and over and over again has stated that wrestling journalists who get something wrong should do a "Mea Cupa" (Scherer's own words) and admit they were wrong.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot? Let's see if Ol Daveyboy will do the same thing he wanted Dave Meltzer and others to do. Let's see if Dave Scherer will actually practice what he himself has been preaching.
Something tells me, he'll be looking for excuses not to.
In the screengrab you see above he was asked a question about Vince Russo. Part of his answer included this quote you'll see above. "He is no longer in the business so I don't have to submit myself to listening to him speak".
HHMMMM.. "No longer in the business" eh? Then explain THIS Mr. Scherer.
If Vince Russo is "No longer in the business" as you claim, then how is it that he's producing shows for Rocky Mountain Pro Wrestling for WEEKS now, HHMM? This actually is Russo's SECOND go round as producer for Rocky Mountain Pro Wrestling. So how is it you can claim he's "no longer in the business" when he's been producing Rocky Mountain's weekly Charged shows for weeks?
Yeah, this is what you call, getting 'checked'. And since we here at Wrestling Past And Present post the Rocky Mountain Pro shows every week (current one is up now by the way) WWEE obviously would know more about that than one of the most well known wrestling 'journalists' who actually owns one of the most well known wrestling news sites in the world.
One look at Russo's X (Twitter) and you see he posts Rocky Mountain Pro stuff, but I guess Scherer, who preaches over and over about Journalists should do research, didn't seem to want to take 90 seconds to do some actual research.
Shame shame Daveyboy, shame shame.. You got caught doing the very same thing you whine and bitch about what others do, how does that feel.
So let's see if Dave Scherer actually DOES what he preaches others should do, you got 'checked' Dave, it's Mea Cupa time (smiles). Step up, man up, and go on the very site where you made the claim and say "The owners of Wrestling Past And Present have corrected me, and I was wrong".
Come on Daveyboy, "YYOOOU Can DO IT".
Are you gonna practice what you preach OR.. You gonna do exactly what you bitch about Meltzer and others doing and do the same thing they do by avoiding the fact you've been fact checked.
I guess we shall see, won't we (smiles).
And since we brought Dave Meltzer into this, ol "Uncle Dave" who loves to try and talk down to people on his Twitter ( X ) channel, for some reason when WWEE send him something he can make excuses for, or can try and spin his way out of with lame replies that are total BS, THIS.. Is what he does when HE KNOWS, he's been 'checked'.
What's the matter Meltzer? When your own actions and words are used against you, and you can 'spin' out of it, you have to run and hide behind a block? Can't talk down to us when it's your own shit, slapping you in the face (smiles).
Examples of this being these two things we recently sent to Meltzer via Twitter ( X ) and email, asking for a comment.
If none of this was true, you would think he'd have no problem explaining himself, he 'explains himself' all the time on Twitter/X when he's trying to claim that people' don't get it, we're 'out of touch' and he tries to be condescending in trying to talk down, to people like he's so high up on a mountain.
But what happens when someone like us here at WP&P knock him off that mountain, knowing he can't try his little condescending tone with us? This..
Two of the most well known wrestling journalists/writers get put in their place by the one site that has the balls, TO put them in their place.
It really is.. Way too easy sometimes (smiles).
And before any 'mark' tries to make the claim that 'nobody visits this site? Yeah Let me go ahead and take that argument away from you right now, with THIS.
That's the number of viewers to this site today, taken literally 30 seconds ago as this is being written. So you can't say 'nobody' comes to this site, because facts and proof like that (and proof IS, a mother fucker) end your little argument before you can even try to begin it.
UPDATE 11-20-2024 2:00 pm
Apparently 'someone' (cough cough "Mike Johnson" cough) doesn't like the fact we 'checked Dave Scherer. Someone left a link to this story on PWInsider's X/Twitter page asking for comment, and THIS.. Is how they responded.
That says it all, right there. Fact check someone who has blasted Meltzer for months about not admitting he got something wrong in hopes he'd do what he was whining about, and that is what you get.
If Scherer doesn't do, what he's wanted Meltzer and others to do now that HE, has been fact checked, then he should no longer say anything about Dave Meltzer because this shows he's just as lame and full of bullshit, as Meltzer is.
People at PWInsider must like living in glass houses, and throwing stones (shakes head).
Dave Scherer won't do it, I'll bet you $100 he won't do it. Because you were the guys who turned the tables on him? He'll be heading for the excuse window and use every excuse he can to avoid admitting that you guys checked him. If you're willing to take the bet, I'll bet $100 that Scherer either finds a way to avoid it, or will try and deflect with excuses.
You put Dave Scherer on the same level as Dave Meltzer when it comes to credibility, OOOOOOO. Scherer's not going to like that.
Was it Mike Johnson using the PWInsider account to make the block or was it Dave Scherer himself?
If it was Mike Johnson did he do it because Scherer told him to do it, or did he do it on his own?
Why would they throw a block up when Dave Scherer himself said that if he was wrong on something that he'd admit it? Is it because now someone has called Scherer's bluff and now he has to either step up and do it or look like a hypocrite that's been preaching to a choir?
The fact the PWInsider put the block up means this story struck a nerve, and they now don't know how to properly react to it.
If they put the block up, that means everything Scherer has been wanting Meltzer to do has been all bullcrap because he's now no better than Mel;tzer.
Scherer chickened out! If he was going to admit he was wrong he would've done it by now. PWInsider (aka Mike Johnson) putting the block up shows Scherer has no balls and now is not better than Meltzer. Somebody now owes me $100 because Scherer proved I was right, he wouldn't do a mea culpa. I should thank him, because now I'm going t be $100 richer.
PWInsider (aka Mike Johnson) putting a block on whoever gave the link to this story absolutely shows that Scherer doesn't like it. But there isn't a thing he can do about it.
Tough, it doesn't matter what Dave Scherer doesn't like, especially when it's the truth.
Word has it, it was Johnson who put the block up. You can't confront him on X/Twitter cause his posts "are protected", translates to mean, he's too scared to get confronted by people and has to hide behind that.
Check your Paypal. I really was hoping Scherer would've grown a set and manned up. But you were right, he just doesn't have them kind of balls. I'll have to find the screen shot of a Q&A he titled "Why I Am A Coward". That would be fitting for this, just that title. (smiles).
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