Monday, July 29, 2019

Since Dave Meltzer 'Can't Tell You' Where A Link Is, I'll Do It For You

That's from his 'Daily Update'. Since he can't seem to finish a sentence with the link?

Here you go.. I'll do what he's proven rime and again to be incapable of doing. Maybe someone should post the links for him. And maybe he should check what he writes before he posts it, because really makes him look dumb as hell.

Here's the link.

I'd tell him myself on Twitter but as you'll see. he blocked me.. He blocked me because of the other times I've called him out on not being smart enough to know how to post a link correctly, AND for when he refuses to correct himself on things I've had to go and correct him on. Him correcting himself seems to be something that's 'beneath him'.

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