Monday, August 19, 2019

Will Someone PLEASE.. Show Dave Meltzer HOW.. To Post A Link Correctly? He's Incapable of Doing So, Again

Yes, it's true, it's DAMN TRUE once again. Dave Meltzer is incapable of putting a link correctly, or properly on his own web page (yes, he really IS that much of a dumb ass).

Since proof is and always be a mother fucker.. And I'm always the mother fucker who has the proof, here it is.. I swear someone needs to give him some lessons on how to post links correctly, he makes these mistakes so often it makes him look, like a dumb ass.

Here's the lead in story where he supposedly put the link.

But then, when you click that link, you of course DON'T get the story he hyped.. You get... THIS!


Doesn't Meltzer even CHECK these links before he posts them? Obviously by me constantly punking him on this, the answer clearly is... No.

And of course, like all the other times I busted his ass on this, he NEVER goes and corrects himself. Because him correcting his own fuck ups is something that's considered 'beneath him'.

But since ol Dave can't properly post links to the story for you. I'll go ahead and give you acouple of different links.. I'll do his job for him since he obviously can't do it himself. :)

You can go ahead and tell Meltzer he can thank me for doing again, what he obviously isn't smart enough to do. 

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