Thursday, August 19, 2021

Eric Bischoff On Firing Raven (And I Shoot Holes In His "Logic")


Eric Bischoff on a recent "83 Weeks" Podcast mentioned his firing of Raven, and his logic behind it. His "logic" has alot to be desired, especially when facts of how raven got better success AFTER he got fired and returned to ECW. It proves that whoever was in 'creative' at the time in WCW was 'creatively challenged" and either didn't, or wasn't capable of utilizing Raven like was in ECW. 

So here's Eric's quotes, followed by me shooting holes into his logic. It is pretty easy to do when facts laid out show I'm right. And if Eric gets called on this, he'll do his favorite dance to deflect from it or avoid it. That "dance" of his called, the "side step", which is something he does quite often.

Bischoff also mentioned the firing of Raven back when he was in charge of WCW and why he chose to let him go given his talent in the ring. He cited Raven bad mouthing WCW behind the scenes as a key reason as to why the company let him go.

“[Raven] was kind of a malcontent, his character was a malcontent and he lived his character,” Bischoff recalled. “You had talent out mouthing off and expressing their opinions about the company which is fine, as long as you’re not taking a cheque from the company. If you’re taking a cheque from the company and you’re out there publicly disparaging it, I’ve got no f***ing time for you man, hit the road".

And WHY was he bad mouthing the company as YOU 'allege', but of course won't provide any proof on? 

Raven's character and his "Flock" got over really well. The fans were very much ibnto it but, because you had the NWO running roughshod with the monster push, Stables like The Flock were regulated to mid-card at best. So maybe you should look at yourself and your lack of 'creative' department as to why the company (according to you) was being badmouthed. 

“Especially if you’re a non contributing talent, meaning you’re not moving any needles, you’re not generating any revenue, you’re certainly not a ratings pull. You’re just another cog in the wheel, as [Raven] was at the time. Why the hell would I want a guy like that around? Would you? If you had a guy out there bad mouthing your company while he was working for your company, would you fire him?”

“Especially if you’re a non contributing talent, meaning you’re not moving any needles, you’re not generating any revenue, you’re certainly not a ratings pull. You’re just another cog in the wheel, as [Raven] was at the time. Why the hell would I want a guy like that around? Would you? If you had a guy out there bad mouthing your company while he was working for your company, would you fire him?”

And why was he (according to you) a 'non-contributing factor'? What held him back from BEING a contributing factor? Care to answer that or will you just duck and dodge that because you know the answer lies squarely, with you.

To YOU Eric, Raven was 'another cog in the wheel' but you need ALL the cogs in the wheel to actually make a wheel. 

Guess you basic logic like that flies over your head alot, doesn't it.

Funny though, for a guy who was just a 'cog in the wheel' and 'not a ratings pull' (Though I'd love for you to show proof of that.. We know you won't and will just hide behind excuses like you always do), As soon as you fired raven, he returned back to ECW and became a top guy there again, instantly.

Not bad for a guy who was 'another cog in the wheel', eh?

Damn Bischoff, you make it so easy to 'check' you. Funny how facts have a way, of doing, just that. Boom.

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