Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today's "Marks" Really And Truly ARE-This Dumb (Never Ceases To Amaze Me Either)


Mickey Doyle is someone who helps contribute various things to this web site. Links to videos, news, whatnot. So it comes as no surprise when he posted a link hyping something i wrote, that AEW "Marks" would be jumping all over it. 

I wish I could've gotten in on this exchange because I would've just buried them right from the get go and "checked" them instantaneously. 

But Mickey with simple, basic replies showed just how, fucking stupid today's "Marks" really are, and seem to just want to be. They seriously can't help themselves and when they see someone like Mickey or myself easily run rings around them WITH, simple basic replies.. You'd think they'd get the hint and wander away.

BUT.. As you're about to see. "Marks" today can't conceive that concept if their life depended on it. They really are fucking dumb, and they for some reason, insist on going out of their way to prove it.

For some reason they can't grasp the fact that THEY, are the ones showing how stupid they are by replying to somethiung they claim they 'don't care' about.

If you really "don't care" then why are you continuously replying to it, DUMB ASS!


And since "Marks" love to try and use the "Nobody goes to that site" copout and excuse to hide behind. Let me go ahead and just take that argument away from them right now. 

This screenshot was taken 90 seconds ago. This is how many people HAVE come to this site in the last hour.

BOOM! Now they have nothing. They have no arguments.

"Marks". Someday they'll smarten up, someday.. Someday evidently won't be today. 

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