Friday, June 25, 2021

Virgil Charges Brooke Hogan $20 For A Picture (People Still Buy Them? LOL)


Former WWE Superstar Virgil ran into Brooke Hogan, the daughter of two-time WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan, on Thursday.Virgil shared a few photos and made it clear that he charged $20 from Brooke for a picture.

He tweeted: I don't care who your daddy it still be $20 for a pic $30 for the autograph combo honey. #meatsaucemadness

Virgil’s hustler gimmick has become quite popular on social media in recent years. Earlier this year, the former Million Dollar Champion said he wanted in on Cameron Grimes’ new money gimmick. Virgil posted a graphic of him standing alongside Grimes, calling them the hottest combination since paste & salad at Olive Garden. Grimes turned down Virgil’s offer as he was upset with Ted DiBiase for his own shortcomings in basketball dribble hustles.

Scott Hall one time buried Virgil and made fun of his gimmick table right to his face. 

Don't believe me? The video of THAT, is right here.

He even has a replica of Ted Dibiase's Million Dollar title belt on his table as well.

Wonder what WWE would think of that, especially since that title has been brought back to live in NXT.

Makes you go, HHMM.

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