Friday, June 25, 2021



Sportico reported that Booker T lost his lawsuit against video game publisher Activision, claiming unlicensed used and similarities between his G.I. Bro character and Call of Duty character Prophet. 

The article mentions "During the litigation, Activision argued that Huffman had contracted away to WWE all rights to the promotional material as well as rights to images and other depictions of G.I. Bro. In response, Huffman insisted that he only contracted away intellectual property rights when they are used in connection with the business of pro wrestling. Along those lines, he asserted that the comic book character G.I. Bro does not fall within that limitation."

"Activision also maintained that Huffman had exaggerated similarities between G.I. Bro in the poster and an image of Prophet owned by Activision. As the video game publisher saw it, both merely involved black military men with dreadlocks standing in a “generic military pose” while holding weapons. Huffman disputed that characterization, stressing the similarities were far closer than the generic depiction offered by Activision.

The link to the Sportico story is here.

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