Saturday, June 29, 2024

Madusa on Tessa Blanchard being Blackballed (Updated 7-2-2024 8:30 am)


UPDATE 7-2-2024 8:30 am...

I waited to see if Medusa would actually respond to the fact, I laid out that Tessa is 'Blackballed'. Needless to say while Medusa did reply to someone else, she obviously doesn't want to admit she was wrong in her assumption that Tessa has been 'blackballed'.

Silence, says it all (smiles).

I made a response to this because Tessa isn't really 'blackballed', She's been wrestling for CMLL in Mexico for quite some time, plus she still does indie stuff (which we here at WP&P post the videos of that).

So we'll see if there's any response to what I said, or will they just look away and avoid this obvious fact. Blackballed means not being to wrestle, anywhere. If she's been working for CMLL in a high profile spot for a while, plus still does indies? hen guess what, she's not 'blackballed'.

1 comment:

Scott Travis said...

DOH! You laid a smackdown of facts.

When someone who writes about the wrestling business knows more than someone who's in the wrestling business. WOW!