Saturday, June 29, 2024

Madusa on Tessa Blanchard being Blackballed


I made a response to this because Tessa isn't really 'blackballed', She's been wrestling for CMLL in Mexico for quite some time, plus she still does indie stuff (which we here at WP&P post the videos of that).

So we'll see if there's any response to what I said, or will they just look away and avoid this obvious fact. Blackballed means not being to wrestle, anywhere. If she's been working for CMLL in a high profile spot for a while, plus still does indies? hen guess what, she's not 'blackballed'.

1 comment:

Scott Travis said...

DOH! You laid a smackdown of facts.

When someone who writes about the wrestling business knows more than someone who's in the wrestling business. WOW!