Friday, March 15, 2024

Dutch Mantel 'Sort Of' Comments On The Story That Shows he Lied On His Own Podcast, Then gets 'checked'


The above screen grab is part of an email conversion someone sent me where he asked Dutch about this story right here, that shows how Mr. Mantel blatantly lied on his own podcast.

The person who sent me the email convo has given me full permission to use it, as long as I block out his email address, which I have. 

Dutch was simply asked about the story I wrote and guess what, it appears that Dutch really didn't do as he said he did in the email convo. He said he covered it on 'this week's' show.

On this show, WHERE Dutch? The show that was posted two days ago didn't have it, and the one posted earlier today didn't have it either.

So WHERE EXACTLY did you cover this, in an empty room? In your closet? maybe you covered it in your imagination because you sure as hell didn't cover it on the shows like you claimed.

Dutch Mantel, caught lying again, mmmm mmm mmm (shakes head).

My favorite from this convo was the screen grab you saw at the start of this story.

First Dutch claims he covered it, but when called out to provide a link to prove it, Dutch bails and tries (and fails) to spin it back on the person who called him out. That person's reply to Dutch was perfect. Dutch got 'checked'.

Dutch lies, then gets 'checked', not a good time to be Dutch Mantel.

Dutch was better off not opening his mouth to begin with, because all this did was make him look worse. Maybe James Romero who moderates Dutch's podcast is gullible, HE sure hasn't even tried to comment on this at all. So I guess if you're James Romero, it's okay to pay a guy like Dutch Mantel to lie on a podcast. 

Dutch's credibility to me and others who've seen the first story is in question, and after this convo? How is someone supposed to take him serious or think he's credible if he just keeps lying? 

It's bad enough getting caught in one lie, but then get caught in two lies in a row, followed by getting 'checked' on your lies? Is Mr. Mantel this dumb that he doesn't think it took only a matter of seconds to fact check his lies? 

Sad sad sad that Mantel just couldn't man up right from the beginning. 


Philip Ewing said...

Dutch got owned, this was a vicious roasting and Dutch brought it on himself.

Ralph Becker said...

I love seeing stuff like this, this is more fun to see than some of the wrestling matches you post. I swear you're the only site that posts this stuff, please keep it up I love this!