Friday, March 8, 2024

Dutch Mantel Caught Lying On His Own Podcast.


Update 3-14-24

Dutch in an email someone sent me claims he commented on this topic on his podcast this week. Since the last one uploaded to YouTube was two days ago and it wasn't there, we'll have to see if he really is, going to comment about this or not.

His best bet is to just admit he lied since he, basically did and all the evidence shows he did. But as I said, we shall see.

It's one thing to stretch the truth a little when you're telling a story, but to outright LIE, especially when that LIE can be easily fact checked? Yeah some people aren't really all that smart, and Dutch Mantel happens to be the latest example of that. 

On his latest podcast clip[ he claims he told Jerry Jarrett he didn't want to be Mid-America champion, look at the title in the screen grab above, he claims he refused it.

Well, that was bullshit and here's the video where you can see and hear his bullshit.

I called out this lie in the replies (to which neither Dutch, or the guy asking the questions bothered to reply, which shows they know they can't deny it). Here's the proof of that right here.

The facts are laid out that Dutch is full of shit, and here's proof of how easy it is to fact check his bullshit.

You can se that over at which is a listing of ALL his title reigns.

"Refused" the title? Yeah okay Dutch, nice try. 

This isn't the first time he's blatantly lied but this one is ssssooo blatant, how did he not figure this couldn't get checked or verified? If he lies on stuff like this, it makes you wonder what else he's been lying about.

The fact he gets PAID to make these lies is really amazing as well. I wish I could get a job where I can lie willy nilly like this. 

"Must be nice" (rolls eyes).


Ralph Becker said...

Oh wow, busted. Are you going to do more of these? This was good so how about busting others that be bullshitting on their podcasts? Is this a one and done thing or will there be more of this?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

If someone shows me more of Dutch, Eric Bischoff or anyone else blatantly lying then I'll be more than happy to call em out on theor bullshit. Just send em to me and let me see it.