Thursday, September 28, 2023

PWInsider For The Second Time In Two Days Gets Caught Trying To Scam People


Mike Johnson over at PWInsider must either be incredibly ignorant, or incredibly stupid. On the heels of getting caught trying to scam people including his "Elite" paid subscribers with Tony Khan's recent Wrestledream media call, here Mike's busted again, this time with the Shawn Michaels NXT No Mercy Conference Call. 

If you're caught TWO DAYSAGO trying to scam people with the same scheme you've been caught using over and over again, what don't you do? You don't blatantly go and try it again TWO DAYS LATER. 

This is precisely why PWInsider was reported to the Better Business Bureau, this exact reason, and from what I've been told, they've been reported again. There's a long established pattern of Mike Johnson trying this and getting busted every time he tries it. You'd think he'd learn by now but I guess he feels he's 'above' learning, and since PWInsider owner Dave Scherer condones this scheme for attempting to scam people, that says a lot about the both of them when it comes to their credibility.

Here's the story I posted two days ago after I was sent information that Mike was doing this scamming thing again.

And now here we are two days later and this comes up.

Once again the audio is SSOOO 'exclusive to PWInsider's 'Elite Membership that you can go elsewhere and hear it for free. 

Where could you hear this for free you may ask? Why just go over to the Observer site and LOOK! Free audio of the very same thing that Mike Johnson would have you believe is only 'exclusive' to their paid "Elite" members.

But wait, there's more. 

One simple little search over at YouTube and what do you get? You get..... This. (smiles).

Oh shit, there isn't yet ANOTHER free audio of this same conference call that's supposed to be 'exclusively' for PWInsider's Elite members, is there?

DAMN, there sure is another one. MMM, MMMM MMMM, MMMMM, MMMMMMMMM.

The sad part continues to be, that those people who actually PAY to be Elite members there at PWInsider have gotten ripped off twice in the last two days. The sadder part is people keep falling for this scam thinking something like this is 'exclusive' when as you can see here, it's not, and PWInsider is full of shit.

It makes you wonder when, will they finally stop trying to people and stop trying to use this failing scam? Someday they might, but some day, obviously isn't today.


Felicia Wilson said...

I saw your last story on PWInsider and thought they wouldn't be stupid enough to want to do this again, but here's your story today and they are stupid enough. Keep busting them WP&P, this needed to be put out there because this is the shenanigans of scumbags. If they're supposed to be so honest and legit then why do they keep getting caught doing this? And why is it they never comment on this when they do get caught?

Jack Reynolds said...

How many times do you have to be caught doing the same thing over and over before you realize it's an epic failure to continue doing it? Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson are like the Beevis and Butthead of wrestling news reporters.

Stephen Rizzo said...

Hey I don't know if you know but Dave Scherer got called out on Twitter with this story, his name and Tony Khan's names were tagged and as much as Scherer likes running his mouth against Politicians? When he got called out on this he hasn't a fucking thing to say. He also ran his mouth about Meltzer but when he gets called out because his boy Mikey Johnson gets outted in public? Boy does Scherer suddenly come up with a case of avoid the topic at all costs. Scherer has the balls to talk about others but no balls about huis site getting called running a scam. Imagine that.

Jack Reynolds said...

Even worse is Scherer is such a pussy he deleted the thread where he was called out on this in a reply. He deleted the post from "Meltzer Said What?" as well as his own replies to that post because it contained a link to this story. Dave Scherer has proven to be a bigger pussy than Meltzer doing that.