Sunday, July 10, 2022

For The Owners Of PWInsider Their "True Colors Come Shining Thru"

 By Donnie Henderson

I sent that screen shot to Bill last week when he told me he was writing another "The Asshole In The Room" Column ( ) and was going to mention PWInsider. 

I remembered I had that and having Dave Scherer's own words in that article would add validity to how they over there really act. Scherer claims they run PWInsider like a business, but do they, really? The Cindy Lauper song says it best when I say their 'true colors' are about to shine thru. 

I joined the staff here at WP&P last year. I knew Gino Bradley who also contributes here and he kept sending me links to this site. He knew I hate the fact that most wrestling news pages mostly cover WWE and AEW, some Impact and a little MLW but rarely will go for the independent wrestling companies that I sought out. I'm in that 18-34 year old demographic that the big companies claim to be booking for but sadly, they've run me off because most of what they produce does nothing for me. There's some things on Impact I like and a couple things in MLW I enjoy, but other than that I had to go seek out indie companies to feed my appetite for good pro wrestling. I told Gino this and he showed me links to this site you're now viewing. The fact this site cover 90% indie wrestling and has posted videos of the companies I like made me want to get involved. 

It wasn't long after I became a staff member here that the head writer here, Bill Walkowitz posted a story about the Canadian wrestler Hannibal. At first I thought he made it up because nobody else on the wrestling news pages had it on their sites. Twenty four hours after Bill posted the story WrestlingInc posted something and comments were all over YouTube and Twitter about it. I didn't see PWInsider cover it at all and I wondered why, so I took it upon myself to email them and ask them. Just a simple question about it and since Dave Scherer claims PWInsider is a business, do you think they acted like businessmen when I inquired about it? One word answer- no.

Mike Johnson who's one of the owners of PWInsider was the first to reply to my inquiry and instead of me telling you what he said/did, I'll show you how the conversation went.

He sends me a picture of Bill from eleven years ago. This was his response to my simple little inquiry. A mugshot taken eleven years ago that doesn't mean anything today. But remember I showed you what Dave Scherer had said, PWInsider is a business, and as real businessmen they sure showed what responsible respected business man they are with that reply, didn't they. 

This gets better because Dave Scherer, mister PWInsider is a business decided to throw himself into this too. 

This how the 'businessmen' of PWInsider act but it gets even more weird because now Dave Scherer comes out of nowhere and claims I'm Bill. If he really wants to go at it with Bill I know Bill's real easy to find as he's very active on his facebook page and he when he posts an article here, he leaves his email address. But instead of going to Bill directly, he just decides to assume I'm him. You know what they about assuming, He went ahead and made an ass out of himself for assuming. But remember, PWInsider is a business and this is how the respected responsible businessmen (cough cough) of PWInsider act.

I wish I could say this was it, but it isn't. When Bill posted a story on Mike Johnson using a scheme where he claimed something was exclusive to just his Elite Subscribers when it wasn't ( ) , I asked Bill if Mike would own up to it. Bill simply said "ask him, bet he won't" and Bill was exactly right on that. Mike didn't even come close to owning up. he just sent me the same mugshot of Bill he sent last time.

He tried to claim he did do a separate interview with Shane Taylor so i did what any other person would do, I asked him to prove it. If he really did do an interview and Bill's story was wrong then he's have no problem proving it right?

To this day Mike Johnson hasn't proven it. I called him out to show me proof and he went silent. Again PWInsider is considered a business to him and Dave Scherer so if he wanted to be treated as such, he wouldn't have minded providing proof. But since he didn't, couldn't because he knew he got caught, this was the reaction Mr. Businessman gives. The last time I checked, guys who run a business don't act like this. 

Since they had a field day sending out Bill's now twelve, year old mugshot out without thinking, I'm curious to know how they're going to feel now that this has all come back at them. 

That's our head staff writer Bill's current Facebook picture, many years sober, holds down a job at a department store that's known in many states and has turned his life around. So you see how stupid it was for Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer to go slamming someone to someone they don't even know? They probably thought they the respected businessmen they think they are would get away with that. The fact you're reading this shows, they were wrong, big time. They should go to business school so that way they can actually learn, how real businessmen are supposed to act. But these are the two guys all you marks and other wrestling pages swear by. How's it feel to know that this is their true colors and because they were really stupid in these actions their true colors have now come shining thru. 

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