Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Wimpy Ray Dudley, Where's The Blowback, Indies Using AEW Talent Better Than AEW, And More


By Gino Bradley

A few letters and questions have come in over the last few days thru our 'contact form' that's here on the site, as as thru WrestlingPastAndPresent@GMX.com which is the official email addy for us here at WP&P. Special thanks goes to Stephen Rodgers, Matthew Maurer, Christine Hicks and Rhonda Herzog for sending them in.

"You guys went from taking on other News sites to calling out Jim Cornette, Eric Bischoff and Bill Dermott? Where's the blowback from doing that at? Why haven't we seen that?"

That's a good question, where is it? Why don't you ask them because they haven't said anything to us. Then again what can they say? The stories on Cornette threatening Kenny Bolan with a lawsuit, (https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/05/no-comments-from-cornette-and-last.html ), Eric Bischoff getting checked when he talked out his ass about Greg Gagne (https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/05/eric-bischoff-gets-checked-and-it-wasnt.html ),and Tammy Sytch slamming Bill Dermott with facts (https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/05/bill-demott-gets-checked-by-tammy-sytch.html ) leaves nothing for Cornette, Bischoff or Demott to say to us. The facts were laid out and the evidence backing up what was written leaves little room for any of them to really say anything. People think because they run their mouths on their podcasts and Twitter that people should be scared of being fired back on by them. But when someone like myself, or Gino Bradley or our head writer Bill Walkowitz writes something that has all the facts laid out? They like I welcome them to try and throw blowback at us. Had any come we would've been more than happy to post it but the fact nothing has come? Says it all about how valid OUR stories are compared to say Dave Meltzer and Mike Johnson who've been called out and shot down on stories they made up. I can attest to the fact that Bill was hoping Bischoff or Cornette would've come at him because I've seen this dozens of times on FB and other places. Bill loves confrontation and it was probably in Bischoff's best interests to accept the fact he was factually checked by someone who knew more than he did. I also know for a fact that Cornette and Bill have spoken face to face with each other before. I personally saw the very first time they met, at an LIWA show in Randolph, Massachusetts. Bill was helping out on behalf of WWA New England who helped put the show together for Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young, and I, even though I was working for another company had a merchandise table set up there. Cornette did commentary for the show (I have the old VHS tape of that, still) and when they shook hands the first words out of Cornette's mouth was "You write for a newsletter I subscribe to" which was Wrestling Then And Now that Evan Ginzburg put out every month for years. So Cornette knows who Bill is and knows what and how Bill writes so he'd know Bill won't back down from tirades from anyone. So since the evidence was laid out and is undisputed it's probably a good thing Cornette has kept his mouth shut on that. Demott hides behind 'protected' tweets so anything he may have said nobody publicly can see them, so that tells you what a wimp he is. No blowback because as everybody has seen, we'll call people out and when the facts are in front of them, they have nothing to dispute. Which is why us here at WP&P will never be called out for having a story wrong. We see how Meltzer and Johnson get nailed for it so we simply don't do what they do and the stories we post here will always be correct. Now of they want to try and dispute what Bill and I wrote, they're free to come give it a shot. But it's unlikely they will. In the end they know better than to try. 

"Anything back from that story on Bully Ray you posted?"

The video where Paul London buried him? (https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/05/paul-london-buries-buh-buh-ray-dudley.html) The only thing we got was any one who tweeted Bully Ray that link, was blocked as you see above. So the fact he's gone from Bully Ray to Wimpy Ray Dudley by doing that, just verifies everything London said about him. Actions say plenty so plenty was said by Dudley's actions concerning this. Paul obviously isn't wrong apparently. 

"I saw a recent Christopher Daniels promo from Defy Wrestling, do you see how indie promotions use certain AEW talent better than Tony Khan does and Khan owns AEW?"

We (staff here at WP&P) have this discussion on our Facebook chat almost every week. Daniels in Defy which Bill posted another promo of yesterday is the most blatant example. But you can look at Coastal Championship Wrestling and Warrior Wrestling, who've used Brian Cage well. Impact recently used Christian Cage way better than AEW has, FTR had to go book themselves on indie shows so they can have the quality tag team matches that Tony Khan won't book for them. Same with The Hardys too. But that's the difference between indie promoters who have a clue what they're doing, and Tony Khan, Dave Meltzer's booker of the year who has no experience at it but, thinks he does. And until someone has the balls to tell Tony to his face, this is what you're going to continue to see. So maybe ask Tony why is it indie groups use those talents better than he does? He might accuse you of being a bot and refuse to give you a straight answer, so be forewarned. 

"I go to other sites for news on wrestling but I've found myself coming to your site more and more. Why do you think your competitors won't post the content you do? You obviously cover more than they do, do they know this? 

First off, thank you for being a frequent visitor to our humble little site. To answer your questions, other sites like WrestlingInc, PWInsider and Wrestling Observer know who we are, (obviously since we've did stories about them getting stories wrong, scamming subscribers, site owners blocking people who dare mention this site, and especially after our head writer Bill Walkowitz royally bashed Dave Scherer of PWInsider into silence by putting him in his place (https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/04/the-ahole-in-room-4-5-2022.html and https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-ahole-in-room-3-27-22.html are two examples). They know the content we post and the huge amount of it we post on a daily basis. They also know the variety of it we sometimes post in one day surpasses what they do in a week. It's also obvious you're not the only one who visits their sites and then comes here more often. Before I started an answer to your question I went and checked our number for viewers and this is the amount of people currently, at this moment as I'm writing this (5:30 am) that's visiting this site. 

That's a lot of people visiting at after five in the morning. They have to be coming from somewhere. If I were to post all the emails, FB messages and comments we get thru our contact form about how they enjoy watching the videos we post, over reading something someone else had 'written' about, you'd be scrolling for a good fifteen to twenty minutes. It's common knowledge people would rather see the video of something than read an article. Plus we post stuff the others don't and won't, why won't they do as much as we do? (shrugs) You'd have to ask them and hope they'll answer you. others have, asked them and have gotten no response to their inquiry on the topic. The other sites mostly rely on hoping people will email them something that they can claim to be 'exclusive' about, that's where we're different. We know where to grab things so we just go and grab it. Our formula is so simple yet the other sites can't seem to grasp how simple the formula is and adapt it to what they do. Or they simply like being very limited to mostly WWE, AEW, Impact and MLW with an indie thing here and there. When they say they 'have' to cover a pay per view, we ask, why? Twenty other sites are doing the same thing so there's nothing exclusive about PWInsider, Wrestlinginc or Observer doing it when twenty other sites are doing the same thing. So what helped establish our reputation (other than calling out the other dirt sheets out when they fuck up) is while they're covering one pay per view? We're posting stuff and videos from five or six different companies. So they want to concentrate on one pay per view? We'll post stuff that they're neglecting because they 'have', to cover the pay per view. There's always other stuff out there that could use the exposure or added publicity so since the so called "major' dirt sheets won't do it? We will, so I hope those other sites continue to neglect indie groups and not have the variety we do. That'll ensure our success continues because they refuse to up their game. Someone said the other sites are like Vince McMahon insisting on putting out the same ol limited product whole we're AEW when they were whipping NXT's ass. Let them stay being limited and not expand their horizons of reporting like we do. Because what they don't do, and we do? Has us not be better than them, but we do stand alone as the only site that has more variety when it comes pro wrestling than anyone and, everybody else. That's a fact they can't dispute, and they don't even try to compete with the amount of content we put up. It's like they gave up, threw in the towel and just know, we are the stand alone site that does it better than them. And we here at WP&P are okay with that fact. Because every day? we prove it to be a fact, based on all that we post. So ask them why they're limited or just want to keep churning out every WWE, AEW, Impact and MLW they can grasp on to. We'll continue to do our thing and if one of those so called 'competitors' still calls us the outlaw mud show site? Ask him why the outlaw mud show sites has about 25% of their viewer base here, and see what their answer is, if they even give you an answer. 

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