Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Sasha Banks & Naomi Said "F*ck This" (In A Way) And Walked Out Of Raw (Good For Them, Too Bad More People Don't Have The Guts To Do That)

By Bill Walkowitz 

When Sasha Banks and Naomi arrived at the for the RAW taping this afternoon, they were informed of their participation in the main event of tonight’s Monday Night Raw. Banks had a meeting with Vince McMahon over whatever bad creative that was presented (and lord knows, WWE has had horribly bad creative for years) and when McMahon did not change the plans, Banks “wouldn’t back down on her issues”. So during the broadcast, they walked into WWE Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis’ office with their suitcases in hand, placed their tag team championship belts on his desk and walked out.

That was pretty much their way of saying, "FUCK THIS, AND FUCK YOU, VINCE".

While all the other wrestling news sites won't have the balls to say it, we here at WP&P, or at least I will, will gladly say it. "Good for you, too bad you couldn't have given Vince McMahon the finger while you were walking out the door".

See, I've said for years that that kind of shit needs to happen more often, if more stars who aren't happy with the weak ass creative ideas that WWE, AEW, Impact come up with and nothing changes when you talk to those in charge? Say fuck it, fuck you and leave. It's been proven over and over, and over again that Vince McMahon isn't the be all and end all to professional wrestling. Especially NOW? With so many different promotions out there, and there's some really successful indie groups out there that major stars have appeared for? Like Warrior Wrestling, AAW, Freelance Wrestling, Defy, PROGRESS, Prestige Wrestling, etc etc there's no shortage of places those two could work. AND if both Banks and Naomi have been good with their money and saved a good chunk of it? They can sit at home, give the WWE the finger and be rid of the badly written promos they write up and weak creative ideas the 'creatively challenged' creative department scrapes up for them every week.

If more people had the balls to do what Sasha and Naomi did, that would send a clear message right to McMahon. Right now if they fire people or some one leaves they blame the talent themselves for not being able to get whatever lame fuck gimmick they come up, over. They never look at themselves or assujme any responsibility for theior own bad crative ideas or horrible scripted promos they write up. NNAAA why look at that when we can just blame the talent.

So they placed the tag titles on Laurinaitis's desk and in their own way said "fuck these titles, you can keep your crappy creative ideas, we're outta here". 

Think anyone else will have the balls those two ladies have and do the same thing? Doubtful because not that many people, have them kind of guts.

And before any of you 'snarky marks' try and come out saying "OOHH you'd never do that", I HAVE, done that. In 1998 when I was working for WWA New England I and my friends got screwed on a pay for working a show helping set up the ring, chairs, etc. so I told Fred Sparta (former WWF referee who owned the company) I quit. Fred's brother Mike calls my house, claiming "we brought you in" when in fact it was the late Sylvano Sousa who gave me my first break (to which ol Mikey didn't like being reminded of that fact). he then says "You'll never work for another wrestling company if I have anything to do with it." Which was why three weeks later after checking out a show and job possibility in Danbury, Ct. for Northeast Wrestling, I was heading up from Rochester, NH to Lewiston Maine to sign on with the Eastern Wrestling Alliance (smiles). There I made more money selling my tapes, the EWA's tapes as well as locally promoting a show for them at Dartmouth College than iu ever did with WWA-NE. So yeah, I HAVE done it, unlike most people.

So if I can do it, if Sasha and Naomi obviously can do it. let's see others stand up for themselves, grow a set and do it. Walking out when the creative sucks ass needs to happen more often, period.

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