Saturday, February 19, 2022

WrestlingInc Was KICKED OFF Of Twitter (They're Now Using A "Burner" Account Now To "Get By")

Update-2-19-20 2:00 PM by Gino Bradley

It appears Wrestlinginc has found their way back onto Twitter. For how long who knows but the story Donnie Henderson broke last night was absolutely true, Wrestlinginc won't deny it so thank us for being the ONLY site that had the guts to post it. 

 By Donnie Henderson

Special thanks to Dave Sorenson for sending us the screen grabs on this. 

In a Story that NO OTHER Wrestling News Site will cover and WrestlingInc Won't even mention on their OWN web page, WrestlingInc has been kicked off of Twitter.

That's right. They got the boot, the hook and were shown the door. Adios amigos and enjoy having your Twitter account suspended. 

As Kurt Angle likes  to say, "Yes, it's true, it's DAMN true."

You can see for yourself, here's a screen grab of what you get if you try to go to their site on Twitter.

If you think that we're making this up? Nope, unlike Wade Keller who got 'checked' couple days ago for making stuff up And other sites like The Observer, WrestlingInc and PWInsider who run stories on other people's hearsay (Booker T claiming he misspoke about Roc-C's WWE deal when he shouldn't have said anything cause he's not in the know, but wrestling news places went with it anyway) WE go with facts.

And here's the facts, straight from WrestlingInc's owner himself.

So if you were hoping to get updates from WrestlingInc on Twitter? Not anymore, least for the time being. You are like they are, shit out of luck.

And not everyone is upset that WrestlingInc fucked up and got booted. 

When we here at WP&P got banned from Facebook, we didn't whine and cry and pleaded with someone to suggest a lawyer for us, WE wrote a story about it,. THANKING Facebook for doing that.

You can see that story, here.

All FB did was further enhance our reputation for telling it like it is. And they're STILL making past posts our staff made a violation of their community conditions.

Hence the following two screen grabs our head writer Bill Walkowitz showed us yesterday. THESE are from last year, and NOW, FB has decided those posts 'somehow' violate their community conditions. (Smiles)

We realized we don't 'need' Facebook or Twitter. We're on many different search engines including Google that we're thankful we don't need Twitter or Facebook. it also strengthened our fact that since we're not on those platforms, we, don't have to answer to them. WE can continue to run our site and say what we want as we wish. 

And because of that, and also because other sites like WrestlingInc, F$W/Observer and PWInsider keep fucking up in many ways (and we're the only ones who have the balls to write about it) Their fans or viewers, have little by little by slowly made their way here to WP&P. 

And since we do things way different than the above mentioned sites do, and provide more content to watch, especially when it comes to indie wrestling (since the other sites can't and won't ever come close to how we promote and plug indie wrestling). The people whop to them other sites, have now started coming here, and we appreciate them coming here to see the difference between what 'they' do, and how we, do it.

So congrats WrestlingInc, 'good job' on fucking up (sarcastic clapping). Don't get your hopes up about having a lawyer save you from your won fuck up.

Just get used to life with out Twitter. The world won't end if you're no longer on Twitter. The sooner you can come to grips with that, the sooner you can start to accept the fate you brought on yourselves.

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